Metten also stressed the critical need for nations to hold China accountable for its ‘severe human rights violations’ during its fourth Universal Periodic Review, done by the UN Human Rights Council in January. Such as what’s happening in Tibet.

Several other nations seconded that opinion. Including Denmark, Finland and Sweden.

“The Chinese government’s ongoing policy of repression aims to eradicate the authentic and self-determined Tibetan culture. This policy must be stopped immediately,” Metten said.

  • @adeoxymus
    111 year ago

    Truth is not supposed to be assigned to who makes the statement. What is actually happening is what is truth.

    Also not all Muslim countries, mainly authoritarian régimes.

      • @adeoxymus
        21 year ago

        Just 1? Indonesia, probably the biggest Muslim country. Additionally turkey, Morocco, Tunesia, all not small Muslim countries. Many more in the middle east and Asia.

        • @[email protected]
          -11 year ago

          Do you even know what you’re talking about?

          Giving high praise to the authorities’ efforts to guarantee people’s freedom of religious belief, Ben Perkasa Drajat, Indonesian consul-general in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, said that Muslims in Xinjiang are free to go to the mosque to pray, after visiting the Id Kah Mosque in Kashgar and the Xinjiang Islamic Institute. “The news from the Western media that the Chinese government doesn’t allow Muslims to do religious activities is not true.”

          • @adeoxymus
            21 year ago

            Seems I missed that, although tbh it’s not as strong as the letter signed by those other Muslim countries for the human rights council (I mean the Indonesian consul general in Guangzhou sure does not sounds like the head honcho).

            Regardless, my first point still stands.

            • @[email protected]
              11 year ago

              Mehmet Mert Tokman, Turkish consul-general in Chengdu, paid a visit to the region years ago. During this visit, he said that the land has a rich heritage and has undergone tremendous development and change, which can be seen particularly in the region’s incredible infrastructure construction achievements.


              Algeria’s Ambassador to China, Hassane Rabehi, was quoted by local media as saying, “The fruit here is so sweet, just like the life of the people here”, adding that he got to know the “real situation” of Xinjiang, where the rights of people of all ethnic groups are well protected, said reports.


              The delegation was led by Ali Rashid Abdullah Ali Alnuaimi, the former foreign minister of the United Arab Emirates and currently Chairman of the World Muslim Communities Council, who after the meeting with the officials said that the concept of targeting Muslims or Islamic civilization has never been part of Chinese civilization trait. China has never been anti-Islam or sided with the forces which are working against Islam, Ali said. He added, “it is some anti-China forces that have indulged in a smear campaign on the persecution of the Muslims in the Xingjian region that needs to be exposed and it is his responsibility to tell the world, the other side of the story.

              World Muslim Communities Council

              Dr. Osama Sayyid Al Azhari, the Egyptian President’s Advisor on Religious Affairs said “I believe that this visit demonstrates that China has attached great significance to preserving the ethnic culture with racial distinctions of many nationalities in Xinjiang province.”


              Dr. Mustafa Ceric, former Mufti of Bosnia and Herzegovina said “What we’ve heard outside China surely has a bias. I’d say Muslim communities in China include more than Uygurs and there’re more than ten Muslim groups such as Hui and Mongolian and others in the region.”

              Bosnia and Herzegovina

              “We are impressed to see the institution’s new and unique compound and were amazed by the elegant design of the prayer hall, I feel Muslims can feel the aroma of peace, the moment they step in here,” said Mestaoui Mohammad Slaheddine, advisor to the Tunisian Prime Minister and also secretary general of the Supreme Islamic Council.


              The delegation from the Arab League, after wrapping up a visit to Northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, said that allegations of “ethnic genocide” and “religious persecution” are completely false, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson stated on Monday. Arab countries appreciate China’s efforts in caring for minority groups, including Muslims in Xinjiang, and they will continue to support China’s endeavors in maintaining the development and stability of Xinjiang.

              Arab League (as a whole)

              Mohammad Keshavarz-Zadeh, the Iranian ambassador to China, visited mosques in the regional capital Urumqi and Kashgar. He was amazed by the conditions there. Responding to rumors fabricated by some Western media that Xinjiang “restricts freedom of religious belief,” the ambassador said that, during a visit to the Baida Mosque located in Urumqi, normal Islamic religious activities in mosques took place in line with the Muslim people’s will.


              Mohammad Keshavarz-Zadeh’s view was echoed by Mahendra Bahadur Pandey, the Nepalese ambassador to China, during their visit to an exhibition themed around the arduous fight against terrorism and extremism in Xinjiang. “I appreciate that the Chinese government and people not only substantially control terrorism but they have given new ways of life, including vocational training and education. It means people in Xinjiang are not suppressed, and they have been given opportunities to move forward toward peace and development,” said Pandey.


              Sanmugan Subramaniam, minister of the Embassy of Malaysia in China, said that there are many textile enterprises here that provide a large number of positions for local job seekers, which is of great significance for economic development. “I hope to have more opportunities to visit Xinjiang in the future and feel its progress and development,” said Sanmugan Subramaniam.


              Bruneian ambassador to China Pehin Dato Rahmani said that after years of effort, Xinjiang has made remarkable achievements in development. People of all ethnic groups here are living together in harmony and enjoying the freedom of religious belief. People’s livelihoods have also been improved.


              “We hope to work with China to jointly defend the multilateral system with the United Nations as the core, adhere to the values of peaceful development, and further strengthen people-to-people exchanges,” said Anyin Choo, Guyana’s ambassador to China.


              In general, recognition of the Uyghur genocide is only really common in the Global North and amongst Western countries… but more notably, what’s been missing is condemnation from Muslim countries in the Global South.

              Even Turkey, a NATO member, has only gone so far as to deny extradition.