• Aesthesiaphilia
        431 year ago

        Imagine simping for a genocidal dictator who’s getting his ass kicked by a bunch of farmers.

        • @MercuryUprising
          131 year ago

          Dude reeks of amphetamine paranoia too. Anyone who has spent time around a speed freak will see the parallels. Guess also those FSB alertness pills are takin their toll, eh Vlady?

          • @ToastyWaffle
            71 year ago

            Honestly this comment seems more crack infused than OPs. How do you even come to this conclusion from him pointing out a fact, and posting a stupid meme?

            • Piecemakers
              11 year ago

              Well, fuck. This comment is enough proof that Reddit is leaking from all holes now.

      • @[email protected]
        -541 year ago

        I agree, it’s super cringe when people simp for Elenskyy, or literally any US president ever.

    • @Otakeb
      791 year ago

      Lmao Putin bros on suicide watch. Stay mad.

    • Rive
      371 year ago

      If you are really enjoying simping for a neo-liberal protofascist dictatorship, then stop calling yourself a “Marxist”

      • @[email protected]
        -471 year ago

        rather simp for someone opposing nato expansion than for a neonazi puppet regime staffed by people handpicked by the CIA. I swear you liberals refuse on purpose to understand that in the grand scheme of things the action of a “bad guy” can still be beneficial.

        Russia isn’t conquering the world anytime soon. So what would you rather have? a more multipolar world where russia has a relatively safe and solid position after showing that it won’t be bullied into submission by nato (with the whole world watching), or a world where russia is balkanized into several statelets without the political, economic or military strength to resist capitalist infiltration?

        We saw what happened last time russia got defeated. We lost a bastion of socialism, we saw tens of millions impoverished while a few capitalits dismantled everything that the USSR had built, and the whole thing ushered 40 years of hegemonic atlantist domination.

        So yeah, i am rooting for the “neoliberal protofascist dictatorship”. There is a reason why literally nobody in the global south sanctioned Russia. 75% of the planet is reasoning the same way i am.

        • @JerkyIsSuperior
          251 year ago

          I swear you liberals refuse on purpose to understand that in the grand scheme of things the action of a “bad guy” can still be beneficial.

          Please tell me the benefits of running a genocidal war of aggresion for anyone that isn’t Putin.

          Russia isn’t conquering the world anytime soon. So what would you rather have? a more multipolar world where russia has a relatively safe and solid position after showing that it won’t be bullied into submission by nato (with the whole world watching), or a world where russia is balkanized into several statelets without the political, economic or military strength to resist capitalist infiltration?

          The “bullying into submission” is a paranoid fabrication of an increasingly unhinged fascist regime. Ukraine had no intention of joining NATO until this war, and now as a result of this fiasco even Finland has decided to join. And your usage of this particular phrase shows that this whole affair is Russia throwing a temper tantrum at its irrelevancy on the global stage. And if Russia is indeed balkanized into statelets (hopefully not, we don’t need even more nuclear quasi-states) it will be the fault of the guy currently pissing himself in a bunker near Kremlin.

          We saw what happened last time russia got defeated. We lost a bastion of socialism, we saw tens of millions impoverished while a few capitalits dismantled everything that the USSR had built, and the whole thing ushered 40 years of hegemonic atlantist domination.

          Once again, tankie, Russia is waging a war of aggresion. All they have to do to prevent their defeat is to turn their tanks around and go back to Moscow. But that would mean the surefire end of strongman politics and the fall of Putin, so gadflies such as yourself have to regurgitate propaganda. And lamenting the loss of USSSR, imao, the country that was so prosperous that it a wall had to be built in order to stop people from escaping it. Truly a workers paradise. Perhaps 80 years of economical mismanagement and political repression was responsible for its collapse, and not invisible NATO gremlins with sledgehammers.

          So yeah, i am rooting for the “neoliberal protofascist dictatorship”. There is a reason why literally nobody in the global south sanctioned Russia. 75% of the planet is reasoning the same way i am.

          The global South has neither the economical leverage, nor the political will to impose sanctions. They are staying away from this because they gain nothing from it.

          Please stick to posting on lemmygrad, you are embarrasing yourself outside of your echo-chamber.

        • Lols [they/them]
          181 year ago

          id rather countries dont invade other countries because they felt ‘bullied into submission’ over said countries existing

          id also rather tankies stop pretending to have any kind of moral conviction or interest in some greater good or world peace behind their support of protofascist dictatorships invading other countries

          • @[email protected]
            01 year ago

            id rather countries dont invade other countries

            So you don’t count Iraq, Iran, Yemen, good part of South America, Palestina, almost whole of Africa as countries and people or else you would be agains all western powers too?

            • Lols [they/them]
              1 year ago

              can you cite the specific quote where i proclaimed my support for western powers invading iraq, iran, yemen, a good part of south america, palestina and almost the whole of africa

              is this deflection so people stop talking about russia doing the things youre supposedly against, or is having an issue with something because i have moral convictions as opposed to because the wrong team is doing it just incomprehensible

              very illustrative of my point either way, thank you for your comment

        • Krause [he/him]
          1 year ago

          We lost a bastion of socialism

          No you don’t get it, the USSR had red fascism and was secretly capitalist, the only way to build socialism is to support NATO expansion and back the US in the coming war against China for Taiwan.

          Once all AES countries are bombed back to the stone age the Western left will finally rise up and demand… more social democracy!

          • @JerkyIsSuperior
            111 year ago

            There’s no need to support NATO expansionism, Putin’s cockups are basically free advertising.

        • Aesthesiaphilia
          -21 year ago

          So what would you rather have? a more multipolar world where russia has a relatively safe and solid position after showing that it won’t be bullied into submission by nato (with the whole world watching), or a world where russia is balkanized into several statelets without the political, economic or military strength to resist capitalist infiltration?

          The 2nd one

    • @nexguy
      211 year ago

      Wait… that bear is decked out in full combat fur and standard issue bear arms. No Russian soldier is that fortunate.

      • FaceDeer
        61 year ago

        It’s heartening to see them being diluted away into irrelevance as the Threadiverse absorbs the users from Rexxit.

        • @MercuryUprising
          1 year ago

          Yeah the first few days on here were rough. I almost feel like it was deliberate to try and make this place unpalatable, but then again, I’ve met total knobs* like this in real life too…

          Edit fixing an autocorrected word

    • Untitled9999
      31 year ago

      I just looked at Lemmygrad.ml. The rules on that site say “be respectful”.

      Your attached picture shows you are not respectful at all. You are supporting Putin, a dictator, who rigs elections, and who orders assassinations of political opponents (Navalny) and former Russian intelligence agents (Skripal, Litvinenko).

      And of course Putin has in no way been respectful towards Ukraine. Invading Crimea in 2014, and the larger invasion in 2022.

      So, you are being disrespectful towards Ukraine, and therefore you’re not embodying the stated rules and values of your Lemmygrad server.

      • @[email protected]
        121 year ago

        That community will ban anyone who questions their Christi fascist oligarchy. It’s weird how a bunch of pretend communists can worship the an extreme right wing, genocidal, theocracy ran by oil tycoons who run around in yachts while the working class is thrown to meat grinder.

        • commiespammer
          21 year ago

          Christi…fascist oligarchy? That’s not us, that’s Adrian Zenz’s wet dream lmao

        • Rive
          01 year ago

          People like this is why I am very suspicious of everyone who calls themselves a “Marxist-Leninist” online, because chances are, they read neither Marx nor Lenin and are actually just fascist larpers

      • Adlach
        61 year ago

        “Disagreement is disrespectful” is a fun take from someone who calls communists authoritarian.

        • @ToastyWaffle
          21 year ago

          “Disagreement is disrespectful”

          Your brain on Neoliberalism in a nutshell.

      • Krause [he/him]
        1 year ago

        I guess this is why East Germans miss the GDR…


        Today, 20 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, 57 percent, or an absolute majority, of eastern Germans defend the former East Germany. “The GDR had more good sides than bad sides. There were some problems, but life was good there,” say 49 percent of those polled. Eight percent of eastern Germans flatly oppose all criticism of their former home and agree with the statement: “The GDR had, for the most part, good sides. Life there was happier and better than in reunified Germany today.”

        • @[email protected]
          -11 year ago

          Around 1/3 of the GDR population fled to the DDR or other nations. If nothing else, the polling would be among those that remained.

        • @[email protected]
          -11 year ago

          the German wall came down when he was 10.


          “Not even half of young people in eastern Germany describe the GDR as a dictatorship, and a majority believe the Stasi was a normal intelligence service,” Schroeder concluded in a 2008 study of school students. “These young people cannot, and in fact have no desire to, recognize the dark sides of the GDR.”

          It’s not hard to be nostalgic if you dream up an utopia. Then again most nostalgic thoughts ignore the reality, but these younglings coupled with boomers from the generation that voted brexit through in Britain are on another level.

        • Zyratoxx
          -61 year ago

          People miss the GDR because it’s antiestablishment and because a lot of people want what they don’t have. If the GDR was to exist again (and definitely after they made one or another fuck-up) people would want a united Germany again. This is the same reason why opposition parties usually fair better during the next election.

          • Krause [he/him]
            21 year ago

            If the GDR was to exist again people would want a united Germany again

            True, but it would be the GDR annexing West Germany this time 😍

            • Zyratoxx
              -51 year ago

              I’ve got nothing against the GDR ideology wise but I value criticism. I want it to be heard, not repressed, because you can learn more from your critics than from those who cheer you and repressing it will not actually make anything better, but worse. And it saves you a lot of time and money that you can use on things that really matter.

              In general I’d prefer a government to be open towards criticism and transparent in their actions. I know that governments like this are practically non existent but let me just dream for a second.

              So if the GDR was more open towards criticism I’d take it back.

        • 50gp
          -91 year ago

          go volunteer in Russia if you love it so much

          • @[email protected]
            11 year ago

            says the guy cheering for ukrainian people to be sent to be slaughtered just to slow down russia and rake in some millions for the MIC

            • 50gp
              -81 year ago

              nice projection, like I said if you love getting fucked in the ass by dictators move there yourself

              • @[email protected]
                11 year ago

                lol i don’t “love” Putin. You can see that in my other comments.

                What i am saying is that your side is the one cheering for even more arms shipments so that even more ukrainians can be sent to die in an unwinnable war to “teach russia a lesson”. Literally no one here is arguing in favour of shipping arms to russia or supporting them in any meaningful manner.

                The truth is, that much like the collective west, the average slavic subhuman is just currency to you. Ukrainian authorities are on their 9th wave of mobilization, snatching people off the streets and literally camping outside of hospitals in order to catch men who go there to get treatment. Your side thinks this is cool and good because you just can’t allow russia to win.

                If your warmongering side wasn’t constantly pushing for escalation and arms shipments, the two sides would’ve negotiated a deal a year ago when the frontline froze.

                So, if you are willing to fight to the last ukrainian just to stick it to Putin, go there yourself. I did not want this war, i do not cheer for it, i do not wish to see it escalate. You do.

                • 50gp
                  -21 year ago

                  Russia can always preserve their military by going home, otherwise they can continue slowly but surely demilitarising themselves

                  • @[email protected]
                    21 year ago

                    Lmao, Ukraine’s greater counteroffensive supposed to free crimea resulted in a russian advance. They threw a punch and hurt themselves while doing it