• @Ensign_Crab
    9 months ago

    What you’re missing is that those Democrats aren’t spineless, but rather they disagree.

    If they’re so scared of doing the right thing that they won’t, that’s spinelessness. If they don’t want to do the right thing and will fight against it, I am under no obligation to support them.

    Democrat party


    For instance, you see removing the fillibuster as a good way to pass reforms

    And you oppose reform.

    I see it as a good way to get trans people killed the next time a Republicans commands both gavels.

    They’re not going to let the filibuster stop them from doing it if they actually want to do it. They’re not going to find just enough turncoats to keep the filibuster just to defend trans people. This is what I mean about spinelessness. You’re so scared about what Republicans might do in the future that you’re willing to preserve the filibuster, keeping badly needed reforms from happening. If you wanted to have protections for trans people, you would support ending the filibuster so we could put some in place. Republicans are gonna do what they’re gonna do in either case. You’d rather gain nothing first. The more reforms we pass, the more popular policy Republicans will have to muster the political capital to undo before they can make things worse than they are today.

    You’re using a vulnerable minority as a rhetorical shield to defend a procedural nonsense that has been used to hold back human rights from minorities since Jim Crow. A proud tradition for what both you and Joe McCarthy call the Democrat Party.

    • @SCB
      9 months ago

      In genuinely surprised that you put all this effort into a response and zero effort into processing what I said.

      You skip over my actual points and just… ramble

      • @Ensign_Crab
        09 months ago

        And here we come to the part where a centrist can’t address what a progressive has said and condescendingly dismisses it instead.

        Concession accepted.

        • @SCB
          09 months ago

          You literally know nothing about me. I explained how reality functions and you threw some weird tantrum over a one-line example.

          Grow up.

          • @Ensign_Crab
            09 months ago

            I already accepted your concession.

            You don’t have do be more condescending just because you can’t address what I wrote.

            • @SCB
              -19 months ago

              Thanks for the confirmation that you cannot clear the bar even when it is left on the ground.

              • @Ensign_Crab
                19 months ago

                What can I say. I’m not as good at limbo as you are.