Over the past several years I’ve seen studies like this over and over again, always showing that UBI just works to improve the lives of people. Some even provided some calculations on funding, its not that expensive since a lot of people just pay it back with their taxes and a lot of money is saved on beaucracy needed for the current system. I’m sure after many more years of proving the same things UBI will be implemented, right?
Over the past several years I’ve seen studies like this over and over again, always showing that UBI just works to improve the lives of people. Some even provided some calculations on funding, its not that expensive since a lot of people just pay it back with their taxes and a lot of money is saved on beaucracy needed for the current system. I’m sure after many more years of proving the same things UBI will be implemented, right?
UBI will be implemented based on evidence at the same time trickle down economics goes away.
Evidence doesn’t matter to conservatives.
The important thing is that they feel like UBI doesn’t work, so clearly we can’t implement it.
You really think our government will help poor people?
UBI will be implemented when it benefits the rich more than it benefits the poor. Just like literally any policy change.