Ecosia adds “contractually forced” Microsoft Clarity tracking ( | privacy faq :, which will record the behaviour of users on the website. Recording clics, size, and more.

They will also add an optional Google setting. Enabling the cookie will allow to get search results from Google, but also to get tracked by Google.

Optional Microsoft advertising tracking is still a thing, tho it may not be necessary if Bing can get a fingerprint and behaviour of the user in real time…

This may be the final flow for Ecosia for me. Unless somehow the Microsoft Clarity can be private… But I don’t think so.

  • Squizzy
    1 year ago

    They don’t give as good results anymore. I was with them from the beginning when they had that bubble page showing that they don’t trap you in a bubble.

    Now my results show very specific results to my location even when I have it disabled and set to all regions.