This would be pretty funny if he weren’t elected to a major institution…

          • @[email protected]
            9 months ago

            It was a birthday card, but inside he said he “Changed the launch codes to ‘1437’” because he was “thinking of his sweet Vladdy Daddy Putin-Pie.”

            (That was a joke, but coincidentally today, October 7th, is Putin’s birthday. He’s 71.)

            • squiblet
              19 months ago

              I’m not sure how you get ‘pedantic’ out of what I said. My question is where the information about the content of the letter came from and whether it’s reliable, and whether that’s all it said. That’s different than questioning whether it exists at all.

    • MelodiousFunk
      159 months ago

      Paul suggested that the U.S. is secretly planning a European Union-style merger with Mexico and Canada.

      This kind of shit is a pet peeve of mine. Some version of this tripe has been floating around the right for 20 years if not more.

      • Step 1: Invent some ridiculous premise and declare it an existential threat
      • Step 2: Rile up your base
      • Step 3: Produce exactly zero evidence
      • Step 4: Move on to something else for a few years, occasionally reminding people about Step 1 (but glossing over Step 3)
      • Step n: Bring up the nonsense from Step 1 and declare that it was only defeated thanks to your unwavering determination to stop the demonic leftist commie liberal socialists

      It’s bad comedy, but it works on the credulous when it lines up with what they already believe.

      • @CharlesDarwin
        49 months ago

        Yeah but JadeHelmFEMAWifiBigTechBillGatesNWOLizardPeople, maaaaaaan!