This would be pretty funny if he weren’t elected to a major institution…

  • @Anamnesis
    781 year ago

    The hatred of Fauci is so bizarre. Even if you thought the public health measures he put in place were misguided, it obviously comes from wanting to protect the public using the best science he had at the time. What possible crime could that entail?

    • @RGB3x3
      611 year ago

      Fauci didn’t even have the power to do anything. He just advised Trump, who was actually the one with the power.

      So to hate the guy just giving professional advice is so misguided. But of course, the Republicans needed someone other than Trump to blame for the shit show that we went through.

      • @CharlesDarwin
        1 year ago

        Exactly. It would have been so easy for donnie to handle covid properly, and even come out more popular than ever, if he had even the least bit of humility and statesmanship. It might have even united the country to some degree.

        But…this is donnie we are dealing with. He’s a nepo baby run amok and a total narcissist.

    • @CharlesDarwin
      51 year ago

      Just keep repeating the mantra “gain of function, gain of function” and you will reach the same “enlightenment” that the likes of Rand Paul have.

    • TechyDad
      21 year ago

      You already pointed out his “crime.” He used science instead of looking to either the Bible, right wing conspiracy theories, or whatever spilled out of Trump’s mouth as the be solution to COVID.