• @Funkwonker
    1 year ago

    Is it just me, or does this thread feel unusually hostile towards scooters for being in fuckcars?

    • Savaran
      401 year ago

      Right? The scooters are only in the sidewalks because the cars actively make the roads dangerous for them. But here we are in a place that supposedly hates cars defending them against a very useful replacement for a huge amount of people.

      • @Fried_out_KombiM
        271 year ago

        My city has a pretty good protected bike lane network, and a result is you rarely see scooters or bikes on the sidewalks (at least in the parts of town with good protected bike lanes). Instead, you get lots of scooters and bikes zipping safely by without endangering pedestrians. At least on my route to work, I’m about 90% sure there are more commuters in the bike lanes than cars on the road, despite the cars getting 90+% of the road space.

          • @Fried_out_KombiM
            81 year ago

            I frickin love protected bike lanes. Turns a stressful experience into a downright pleasant one. It feels 10000x safer than riding on streets without protection.

              • @assassin_aragorn
                21 year ago

                You should still wear a helmet. It isn’t there for cars, it’s there because going from biking speed to no speed is more than enough acceleration to cause injury.

    • @[email protected]
      261 year ago

      They need the same infrastructure that bicycles and have gotten popular really fast. Since the infrastructure cannot accomodate them (no bike lane), the scotters become a nuisance for everyone.
      With proper infrastructure though (cycling lanes and parking spots) they are fine. (Some might argue about users not following the rules, I’d say, sometimes you can’t respect the rules because the street is shit).

      Also private companies monopolising public space, not cool. (that one I still stand by, and I hope they pay “rent” that goes towards maintaining the roads.)

        • @[email protected]
          51 year ago

          I suspect there is a bit of a compounding effect with renting the scooters (more prevalent where I live), which makes users less respectful. Or a novelty effect with teenagers rushing past on their new toy. In my experience that wears out fast, though.
          I guess even here some forget that you can put the scooters on bike lanes :)

          • @[email protected]
            51 year ago

            I just googled a bit and one claim I saw was that about a third of accidents involve first time riders.

        • @[email protected]
          21 year ago

          Same here, my town simply has multi-use paths basically on every other street and the only problem i see with e-scooters is that for some inscrutable reason people insist on parking the rental ones literally in the middle of the road???

          It’s incredibly strange because they don’t even park them near a destination, literally just in the middle of nowhere…

          But other than that people behave really well, and it makes me smile so very much to see families where the kids have their own bikes and e-scooters and the parents are riding rental ones, the added convenience of e-scooters has absolutely gotten more people out of their cars and actually experiencing the world and interacting with people around them.

      • @Dultas
        41 year ago

        That and the assholes who just dump them in the middle of what little infrastructure we do have. Around here they are constantly blocking sidewalk, bike lanes, and mixed use paths.

        • @uis
          41 year ago

          Around here they are constantly blocking sidewalk

          All city needs to do is to put giant “put ebikes here” sign over on-street vehicle storage spot(in car-dependent places it’s called parking spot). One such spot can store 10-20 ebikes or 20-30 escooters.

    • @[email protected]
      191 year ago

      it’s so fascinating how people absolutely lose their minds over e-scooters, and these are people who shit on drivers for doing the exact same thing to cyclists!

      • @[email protected]
        31 year ago

        Yeah I hate these scooters even with good infrastructure (Germany) people still can’t stop themselves from basically trying to run you over and when they are not in use they are usually left in a place (sidewalks, pedestrian paths etc) that blocks pedestrian traffic. Not to mention the people taking shitload of this stuff into the public transport and making it even more crowded.

        Never had a driving license, can’t be bothered with it when public transport gets the job done.

        • @jarfil
          11 year ago

          people taking shitload of this stuff into the public transport

          They’ve fixed that around here (Spain) after a couple got a battery fire in a metro car: escooters are banned from public transport.

          Luckily bikes are not, which only take up like 5 times the space 🤷

        • @assassin_aragorn
          11 year ago

          I remember this happening often in college where some bikers were just an absolute menace and you had to get out of dodge quickly.

        • @[email protected]
          01 year ago

          But like people don’t ride them badly here, so clearly that’s a solvable problem. I’d wager germany generally doesn’t actually really have that good bicycle infrastructure.

          As for them being left all over the place, that’s a regulation problem specific to rental scooters, and doesn’t apply at all to privately owned ones but people like you just ignore that completely.
          Also like, you’ve seen where people park their cars, right? a car in the middle of the bike path is vastly more annoying than an e-scooter.

          • @[email protected]
            01 year ago

            Calling problems “solvable problems” or “regulation problems” does not make them go away they are still problems associated with e-scooters. I always hear good stuff about Germany’s bicycle infrastructure but I guess it is suddenly bad when it is covenient for you to make your point.

            Of course a car parked on a bike path is more annoying than e-scooters I’ve never said e-scooters were worse than cars, but still I find them extremely annoying as a person that is travelling mostly on foot.

      • @[email protected]
        31 year ago

        no they don’t, what kind of logic is that? By that logic cyclists should hate other cyclists too.

        More people using bike infrastructure is great, it makes it visible and increases the likelihood of more money being spent on it.

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        If there’s not enough space in the bike lane for bikes and scooters, that’s only a reason to build more and bigger bike lanes.

    • Xanthrax
      01 year ago

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