• @[email protected]
    441 year ago

    my thoughts at gym:

    • grumble I’m tired and want to go home but I’m glad I came
    • oh hey it’s that person, they’re making progress rock on
    • ah rehab exercises? bummer. Good on them doing the work to get better
    • Wow that person is jacked, they must be working so hard
    • Oh no the thing I want to use it taken. Oh well I’ll wait
    • Count Regal Inkwell
      41 year ago

      Adding to those:

      • [Song Lyrics]
      • Good lord, that lady is tiny but she lifts some serious iron. She could kick my ass. (there’s a very short but very built young woman who works out at the same time&place as me)
      • Oh boy, cardio. I hate it here :D