    1 year ago

    Numbers are not the most important moral decider in war. By your logic, the US or Canada would have been the worst major player in WW2. Intent matters and moral values matter.

    • @okamiueru
      1 year ago

      Nah. My logic is sound, don’t attribute flaws in it based on your inability to understand my point. Let me break it down for you:

      Numbers are not the most important moral decider in war

      I have not made this claim. I have suggested that numbers can help gain better understanding of a situation, especially when the numbers suggest incorrect portrayal of a situation, one which is extremely prevalent in US media.

      Canada … in WW2, as topping the leaderboard as responsible for civilian casualties? Canada is your second place there? I mean, why the fuck do I bother discussing this with people online. And… the US on first place? Sure, the US nuked 2-300 000 people… Man… the dumb arguments I see. Aside from ethnic cleansing, it is one of the worst war crimes committed, but even so, it’s a % of the civilian casualties in USSR, China and Nazi Germany. But, I’m sure that’s part of the copium right. “The animals beheaded 40 babies” => “Let’s do some ethnic cleansing, because intent matters, not numbers!”. (PS: Numbers of beheaded babies: 0, “but I’m sure they intended to!”)