Thank you very much! Know that I really appreciate your help, even if I can’t Thank you individually!

  • @foggy
    1 year ago

    Addiction is so hard. It’s also so easy.

    You just need a fucking purpose. Get into something that will consume you in a positive way.

    Buy a nice backpack, and get into a group with some novice backpackers. If you find the right thing, weaning off addiction is kinda cake. If you don’t find the right thing, it’s impossible.

    Hiking worked for me.

    For me it came down to feeling seen within a group and feeling connected to that group through some higher purpose (hiking).

    • @moistclump
      31 year ago

      Yes! And to add to purpose, human connection sounds like an important part of your story there. We’re meant to live in community and connect with other people. Stopping an addiction in isolation and without a sense of purpose is very, very, very difficult.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      I quit smoking, because I started college again. It had been my dream for ever, to get a bachelor’s degree. Finally got the oppertunity to do it, so I convinced myself I couldn’t afford it if I didn’t quit smoking. I’m actually proud of that one and I’m not one who feels proud easily.