Beau is Afraid was the last one I recall. I think it was mostly the latter half of the movie where I started to get a bit confused and needed the ending explained to me.

What movies made you look up some kind of explanation afterwards? I feel like I have done it several times in the past for more surreal movies but can’t think of any other examples.

It can also be a TV show.

  • @ClarkDoom
    011 months ago

    I’m proud to say that I’ve never watched a movie and thought _ I have no idea what just happened or why it was important._ Competent movies always give you everything you need to figure out whats going on IMO. Watching with closed captioning on and putting your phone away is key in the way I watch (turning off CC if something onscreen is more visual oriented like most of 2001: A Space Odyssey).

    I enjoy watching analysis but think those “x movie explained” videos are personally useless.

    I’d say the most challenging movie I’ve watched was Lost Highway but being familiar with Lynch’s other works and being a fan of surrealism in books and other movies gave me a general idea of what was going on the first go around (as much as possible considering he doesn’t ever share what his movies are actually doing). My opinions about some parts of it have changed a little with each watch but that’s the fun of his movies.

    My partner is one of those people that gets lost with movies but she literally checks her phone all the time. I love her but good lord I’ll never understand someone who watches a movie for the first time and decides to go on Facebook or TikTok throughout. Even if the movie sucks I still think people should commit to watching a movie fully when they start it but I understand that opinion isn’t universal.