@OurToothbrush oops you’re right, it was some of the Stalinists who succeded him. Have edited, thanks for educating me in such a polite way!
Edit this entire conversation takes place twice in this thread, to avoid spamming I’m replying to them elsewhere. Tl;dr is the tankies think Kruschevand the Stalinist Hungarian, Rákosi, did nothing wrong.
@OurToothbrush oops you’re right, it was some of the Stalinists who succeded him. Have edited, thanks for educating me in such a polite way!
Edit this entire conversation takes place twice in this thread, to avoid spamming I’m replying to them elsewhere. Tl;dr is the tankies think Kruschev
and the Stalinist Hungarian, Rákosi,did nothing wrong.Are you calling krushchev a stalinist? They guy who led destalinization?