Earlier this year Charles Martinet, who voiced Mario for decades, retired. After weeks of speculation about his replacement, Nintendo revealed the new voice actor with little fanfare. What gives?


“We want people to enjoy the gameplay experience, and if they enjoyed the voice behind the gameplay experience, that’s what’s most important to us, not necessarily highlighting [Mario’s actor],” Bowser told WIRED last week.

  • @Rob
    351 year ago

    Call me a cynic, but this also greatly reduces the bargaining power of the voice actor. If he’s not THE voice or Mario, it’s far easier to replace him than it was with Martinet.

    • @H_Interlinked
      141 year ago

      I think it feels like a more fair approach to the new actor tbh. “Hey everyone here is the new guy replacing the legend you all know and love!” is probably not a better approach than letting the professional’s work speak for itself.

      • @AliasWyvernspur
        151 year ago

        Nintendo remembers how the internet collectively lost its shit over Charles not voicing Mario in the movie. Nintendo knew better than to announce it before the game’s release.

    • @ilinamorato
      21 year ago

      Potentially, but Kevin Afghani is no slouch. Certainly not the nobody that Martinet was when he was originally hired. I wonder if it’s partially so that Martinet’s new job as “Mario Ambassador” or whatever isn’t overshadowed.

    • JowlesMcGee
      01 year ago

      I think this was most likely it. If the new actor sticks around then it’s possible he’ll be as well known as Martinet, but I’m sure Nintendo would prefer the voice be someone who’s more easily replaceable.