In his remarks, not only does Johnson claim Roe “gave constitutional cover to the elective killing of unborn children,” but he rails against the imagined economic detriments of abortion, pushing his caucus’ outlandish claim that by depleting a hypothetical workforce, abortion has defunded social security: “Think about the implications of that on the economy. We’re all struggling here to cover the bases of social security and Medicare and Medicaid and all the rest,” Johnson says. “If we had all those able-bodied workers in the economy we wouldn’t be going upside down and toppling over like this… Roe was a terrible corruption.” Mind you, social security and health care have been gutted in the last several years by Republican lawmakers, not people who choose to end a pregnancy.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    Wants Women to Pop Out ‘Able-Bodied Workers’ to Fund Social Security

    Translation: Wants women to pop out more white babies who (they assume) will vote Republican.

    • @NateNate60
      81 year ago

      The two most reliable voting blocks for the GOP are the stupid and the rich. Anyone who would listen to this guy falls squarely in the former category, so of course encouraging them to reproduce is an excellent strategy.

      • @silicon_reverie
        1 year ago

        I don’t think he’s encouraging Republicans to reproduce so much as he’s trying to justify forcing all the other women to give birth against their will. All of those children of rape and incest, those kids whose parents aren’t emotionally or financially equipped to raise them, those kids whose high-risk births might cause their moms to die in labor, those kids who have congenital heart defects, or who will be DOA when they’re born. Moms aren’t allowed to speak for those fetuses, or have a say over their own health and safety. Because every baby that Republicans can force to be born is another new taxpayer to fill our coffers. Obviously.

    • @T00l_shed
      11 year ago

      Could also be a dog whistle to the replacement theory they seem to be obsessed with.