• wilberfanOP
    79 months ago

    A Boomer here, and I’m finding these comments to be very interesting–mostly because I’m realizing I agree in many cases! Far from prudish, just last night I fast-forwarded past the sex scenes in the first episode of a new streamer series. “Yeah, yeah, I get it…you’re hot for each other. Can we move it along, please?”

    • @Dkarma
      69 months ago

      It’s just gen z being pragmatic. We don’t need sex in movies cuz we have unlimited better porn.

      • @Smoogs
        09 months ago

        gen z being pragmatic

        There it is again. People acting like genZ are the first to say no and protest to things…. This simply isn’t true.

        Genz didn’t invent this idea of protesting it . Women against pornography was formed in the 60s. So we know people have been bothered by it for more than one generation and people have tried to act against it.

        I don’t think this should be a generation topic. Film makers are by far and large trying to get people to watch their shit using gags and named actors. they use sex and violence in film like capitalists use sugar and salt in food to get people to consume it. It’s a crutch.

        • @Dkarma
          09 months ago

          They’re not against it it’s just so cliche as to be cringe. Genz is not prude…hahaha wow

          • @Smoogs
            19 months ago

            And you thought that is a new thought that you yourself invented? Maybe you should Crawl out of your own ass.

            • @Dkarma
              -19 months ago

              I’m not gen z u fucktard

    • tryptaminev 🇵🇸 🇺🇦 🇪🇺
      09 months ago

      I find this so funny, how a lot of “Boomer media” makes such a fuss about discovering that Gen Z ist also just normal people, with some more progressed ideas and ideals but also tired of being overloaded with information and media.

      I think part of it now is that they also realize that half of the fads they have been making up about how the youth of the 2000/2010 era with how sex, violence and drugs craving it alledgely was, were just bullshit.