“The idea that some of these officers are supposedly woke or desk jockeys, it’s ridiculous,” Sen. Dan Sullivan said.

Republican senators pushed to confirm more than 100 military nominees Wednesday evening in a direct challenge to fellow GOP member Tommy Tuberville and his blockade on promotions — but the Alabama senator is refusing to budge.

The move led by Sen. Dan Sullivan of Alaska marks the most significant confrontation to Tuberville so far within the GOP as more Republicans turn against the former college football coach and show they’re ready to resist him publicly.

Tuberville has opposed swiftly confirming hundreds of officers in a bid to force the Pentagon to overturn its policy of covering the costs for troops to travel to seek an abortion.

Sullivan, joined by Republican Sens. Joni Ernst of Iowa, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, Todd Young of Indiana and Mitt Romney of Utah, requested votes on each senior officer by unanimous consent, over several hours. The requests were still being made as of late Wednesday night.