Filament is wound around a cardboard core and secured with straps. This allows the reuse of the spool sides, reducing waste.

  • @PlasticExistence
    411 months ago

    My experience with cardboard spools is that they deform a lot more easily than plastic. This is a problem for me as I vacuum seal my spools for storage since I live in a swampy area. Once deformed, they don’t roll as smoothly (and they already don’t roll as smoothly as plastic even without deformation). They also shed a lot of dust.

    I prefer not throwing away plastic spools, so I still mostly prefer cardboard, but a solution like this one is the sweet spot IMHO.

    • @romkube
      411 months ago

      Print a plastic hub and insert before you vacuumed seal, easy to reuse and makes the cardboard rolls easy

    • Carighan Maconar
      111 months ago

      To be fair, never had a problem with cardboard spools so far. But I also have a reusable spool from Sunlu I’m using for most of my “normal” filament where color doesn’t matter.