Edit: I have to commute 1,5 hours oneway to get to work. HomeOffice is allowed 2 times a week. So I am leaving when my son is still in bed and come back when he is in bed again. Thing is, the money is good and the job is kind of a dream job for me.

Edit2: Wow! Thank you for your comments. These are exactly the thoughts Inhad in my mind, but couldn’t point my fingers on them. Unfortunately there is no way to get more days wfh, because high management says so. So i came to the descision to either ask for part time or get the new job asap

  • EmpeRohrOP
    2 years ago

    Unfortunately no, just bought a house

    • dan1101
      2 years ago

      Still, if you want the job and more home life, you gotta live closer to work.

    • Overzeetop
      2 years ago

      Wait…you just bought a house 1.5h away from your good paying dream job? WTF is wrong with you? Bail on the house, eat the loss and move closer.

      Okay, that said, I was in your position 20 years ago. It wasn’t my dream job and it wasn’t great pay, but it was a field I was moving into and it was steady work. I found some land an hour away from my job and built my dream house from scratch. FF two years, I’ve got an 8 month old and I’m in your boat with the evenings and mornings and never seeing her.

      After some number crunching I quit my job and opened my own business. In my first 8 months I made nothing. I burned through the 10k in savings and startup money and another 10k I’d made doing jobs. In my second year I grossed 60k - almost enough to replace my salary, not including any benefits. We were living off my wife’s salary for that time. By year 4 my wife quit her job to work part time for me (accountant) and rest of the time be with the kid. Got our asses kicked in 09 and spent all my salary on my employees (still had to drop one) and three years later things were okay but I closed the office and moved to work from home as a single consultant. The last decade has been wonderful and the clientele and self determination means I’m around for pretty much every event DD does. I’m still middle class (call it 75-80th percentile) - no new car in the drive, sold the dream home to move into a small 1960s house in town to get a better school district. Life is good and I’m glad I didn’t stay at my job.

      I was lucky and nobody should ever underestimate how much luck goes into success. You having a good paying, enjoyable job. That’s pretty damned lucky. Think hard before rolling the dice but if you do - may the wind be at your back.

      • EmpeRohrOP
        2 years ago

        Bought the house more than a year ago, landed the job 4 months ago

        • The Shane
          2 years ago

          Moving home is a big ask. Clearly, you like the place as you bought it.

          So, maybe asking your management if more WFH is an option. The worst they can say is no, and you will have your answer. From there, if they say yes, you have more time with your son. If they say no, you thank them for considering your request, keep your head down while at work, and quietly look for something more suitable to your lifestyle needs.

          It may take a couple of weeks, or it may take a few months. Get paid while you are looking, and do not work until you have that signed employment contract in your hands!