Bubba Copeland shot himself in front of police on Friday, days after he begged 1819 News not to expose his private life.

  • @Wrench
    1111 months ago

    You got a source for that, besides simply being a member of the GOP in s location where there is no plausible alternative?

    • @[email protected]
      2511 months ago

      no plausible alternative?

      Are you kidding me!? “He had to be part of the anti-LGBTQ party because of where he lived”. Fuck out of here with that nonsense. I deleted my longer comment, let me sum it to for you:

      • He didn’t have to live in Alabama
      • He didn’t have to be part of the anti-LGBTQ+ (or any) party
      • He didn’t have have to run for political office
      • He didn’t have to engage in crossdressing

      If any of those conflict with each other, well; life is about choices. Anything less is cowardice.

      • @Wrench
        2311 months ago

        Get a grip. I asked for a source that the person, who you all are celebrating the suicide of, was actually a terrible person or partook in the persecution of others.

        That was the assertion that I was responding to, and none of that was mentioned in any source in this thread besides wild assumptions by people simply for being in the republican party in a small town.

        • @afraid_of_zombies
          311 months ago

          He stood at the pulpit that makes him party to the persecution of others.

        • @[email protected]
          211 months ago

          None of those words backs up your assertion, which was that there was “no plausible alternative” to being a GOP politician in Alabama. You can’t defend it because it’s complete nonsense.

          Also, I didn’t celebrate his death, and I haven’t seen anyone else do so either…

        • cannache
          211 months ago

          Meh sometimes people just hate someone for not understanding them. And that’s enough. You don’t always need to pretend to have a good reason for hating someone, you just decide and then one day someone asks you why, like asking about babies crying in Africa, people often prefer not to have their beliefs challenged or broken to pieces by any kind of paradigm shift

        • @[email protected]
          -211 months ago

          This person partook in the persecution of others. proof? they were in the GOP. there’s your proof.

          And nobody is celebrating suicide. This person is not a hero is all that is being said.

          • @great_site_not
            1211 months ago

            Is it implausible that perhaps this person wished to hide within the GOP to escape its suspicions about their personal life? A Democrat mayor in a deeply Republican area would attract a lot of distrust and hostility simply by virtue of being a Democrat. A Republican mayor, not so much.

            Is every trans person morally obligated to leave every institution that persecutes them? Even when to do so would scrutiny?

          • @havokdj
            11 months ago

            You heard it here folks, association by organization means you did the same thing some other shitheads did.

            The secretaries for concentration camps? They gassed the Jews themselves, might as well have anyways, based on that logic.

            Let’s take it even further, all Germans are bad because of what Hitler did to the Jews, after all, they are ASSOCIATED with the SS, being in the same country and culture and all, they all obviously have symmetrical views because all people really believe the same thing even in a party such as the GOP.

            (Don’t you dare try to pretend those analogies flew over your head, work with me here)

            Grow up, it’s not about him “being a hero”, nobody here is claiming that. The fact you came to that conclusion somehow on your own is evidence enough that you are celebrating his death. Have some respect, it seems pretty clear to me that he had second thoughts atleast some point in his life about his political decisions, had no way out, and when someone threatened to take even that away, made the last mistake you can ever make on your own accord. Please have some respect just as you would wish for yourself.

              • @havokdj
                011 months ago

                fUcK oFf NaZi ApOlOgIsT

                When the time comes that you are on the other end of the blade, the people you despise will show you the exact same level of mercy you showed them. Problems do not have to be solved with death and violence, suffering and misery.

                People like you are exactly what’s wrong with this country, that same kind of hatred is what enables mass shooters to commit the atrocities that they commit, the same kind of hatred that allows Israel to bomb innocent civilians to fruitlessly take out ten times less that number of hamas fighters.

                You have some soul searching to do, and if you find that you still have the same anger and hatred in your heart, you will never find true happiness, satisfaction, it will never be enough. You will grasp for more and more, clawing at every little thing until it consumes you and all others around you.

                • @SuddenlyBlowGreen
                  211 months ago

                  Telling that you’re not even trying to dispute it.

                  When the time comes that you are on the other end of the blade, the people you despise will show you the exact same level of mercy you showed them.

                  You got the sides wrong, champ. I’m on the end of the blade, and I’m this angry because people like you are holding the knife.

                  People like you are exactly what’s wrong with this country

                  People who dislike nazis are the ones that are wrong with this country?

                  So that would mean, that in your view, the opposite (aka nazis and nazi supporters) are in the right.

                  You just keep telling on yourself…

                  You have some soul searching to do

                  If I do, it won’t be because a nazi apologist told me to.

                  if you find that you still have the same anger and hatred in your heart, you will never find true happiness

                  That’s funny coming from your kind.

                  Tell you what. I’ll stop having anger in my heart when you stop trying to exterminate people like me.

                  • @havokdj
                    11 months ago

                    people like you

                    Who am I exactly with? Do you even know? Or are you making assumptions because you’re an angry piece of shit redditor who walked to the wrong platform to spout the bullshit that you are?

                    more dumb unrelated shit about “nazi apologists”

                    Would you please shut the fuck up about the Nazis? The words I am reading from your post are legitimately the stupidest fucking things I’ve ever seen on the internet.


                    You don’t even know who I’m with, stop kidding yourself. You seem to still have a lot of growing up to do. Stop being a fucking baby ffs. Ironically the fact that you see things in black and white makes you similar to the Nazis.

            • @[email protected]
              -111 months ago

              (Don’t you dare try to pretend those analogies flew over your head, work with me here)

              lmao I loved this part.

              You have a good point, I’m starting to think I was in a hateful mood yesterday. I still don’t think this person was a hero but it’s truly very sad that they had to hide this part of their life, and were so scared of the public’s opinion that they killed themselves.

      • Flax
        011 months ago

        He would be if he wanted to become a mayor

        • @afraid_of_zombies
          111 months ago

          Not really local level most people do care. My area is blue and my ward has a GOP council member. I did vote for him.

    • @SuddenlyBlowGreen
      311 months ago

      besides simply being a member of the GOP in s location where there is no plausible alternative

      You know that democrats do live in Alabama, right?

    • @Dkarma
      -811 months ago

      You got a source for ur bullshit? No alternative?? Lmfao ok yeah right.

      • @Wrench
        311 months ago

        Source: rural Alabama and a basic understanding of political party distribution in the US

        • @Dkarma
          -311 months ago

          Yeah a 3rd grade understanding. Like there are no Dems in the south.

          • @HandBreadedTools
            111 months ago

            In most rural areas of the South, it’s a racial divide between which are Republican or Democrat. Where I’m from, a white person being a Democrat would be, and are, actively threatened and hurt if they voice their opinion (by white Republicans).