Republican presidential candidate Chris Christie was booed while walking on stage at the Florida Republican Party’s Freedom Summit event on Saturday.

“Now look, every one of those boos, everyone one of those cat calls, everyone one of those yells will not … solve one problem we face in this country,” Christie said. “Your anger against the truth is reprehensible.”

Between jeers, the former New Jersey governor tried to tell the crowd of Trump supporters that their energy is better spent elsewhere.

  • @RestrictedAccount
    11 months ago

    I really want to dislike Christie, I really do. However, he is the only Republican that is saying truth to power.

    I know I will be flooded with whataboutism retorts. (or I would have if this was Reddit)

    • @frickineh
      7111 months ago

      Hey now, you can still dislike him, it’s ok. This is a total “Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point” situation. He’s still the worst (well, one of many), he just happens to be right about this particular thing.

      • @Furbag
        211 months ago

        A stopped clock is still right twice per day. Kind of like how Republicans are so insane that they will sometimes introduce legislation that goes full circle and is actually sensible and have a majority of Democrats support it without debate (and then they kill their own bill because they can’t be seen agreeing with Democrats or giving them a “win”, no matter the cost).

    • @AbidanYre
      5711 months ago

      It’s crazy that we’re so far through the looking glass that he’s the good guy in the GOP.

      • FuglyDuck
        4711 months ago

        just because he’s calling out assholes, doesn’t mean he’s not an asshole.

        Christie isn’t a good guy. he’s just in a different faction of bad guys.

      • @RestrictedAccount
        1811 months ago

        I will agree with you only inasmuch as that we agree to define good on a relative scale

        • @AbidanYre
          3111 months ago

          I thought saying “in the GOP” made it pretty clear we were grading on a curve.

    • be_excellent_to_each_other
      11 months ago

      As of about a year ago he still wouldn’t say “No” regarding whether Trump would get his vote if nominated, when directly asked.

      He also helped put Trump in power.

      So, yeah.

      I don’t think whataboutism is required to argue with someone having a hard time disliking Christie, unless you define whataboutism in some interesting and unusual way.

      At best he’s realized they need to try stuffing the monster back in the box, after he helped bust it open.

    • gregorum
      2511 months ago

      Here’s the thing: he only does it sometimes, never when it matters, and only ever for self-serving reasons. So think twice before you shower Christie with too much praise; he doesn’t deserve it.

    • tate
      511 months ago

      He’s not the only one, but they are few. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger come to mind.

    • @[email protected]
      311 months ago

      No, he’s not the only one… But yes, you can probably count all of them on one hand at this point.