During Musk’s visit Friday, Tesla executives informed workers that the company would raise wages by 4% effective in November for the around 11,000 employees at the German plant, people familiar with the matter said. Tesla will also pay a 1,500 euro bonus in December to offset inflation. Starting in February, Tesla will raise annual wages by an additional 2,500 euros for workers in production.

The wage increases follow heightened tension between Tesla and IG Metall, Germany’s largest labor union, and a separate confrontation with Tesla service center workers in Sweden.

  • @[email protected]
    161 year ago

    Most of the unions are too soft here. Might be related to reaching a compromise being a national sport in Germany, so they will compromise on virtually anything just for the sake of reaching a compromise. Also, the legal framework doesn’t give unions very much power to begin with.

    • @ThePyroPython
      161 year ago

      Your unions have more power than those in the UK.

      Keep it that way, else your workers will be as fucked as ours are.

      • @[email protected]
        101 year ago

        I am aware of the situation being even worse in other countries, unfortunately, I have the impression that many of our unions are working hard on becoming as irrelevant as the unions in those unfortunate countries.

        • Square Singer
          41 year ago

          Same here in Austria last year they got us 7.7% increase in IT, with 10.6% inflation. And this year the employers offered 2.3% with 7.8% inflation forecasted for 2023.

          Not to mention that inflation hits us now and pay raises only happen next year. Meanwhile the companies do their price hikes straight away.