Speaker Mike Johnson has inherited the same problems that faced Kevin McCarthy. Turns out, he doesn’t have a solution either.

Government funding runs out next week, House Republicans keep tanking their own appropriations bills, and the Speaker of the House is weighing whether he can get away with a stopgap spending solution.

If this story sounds familiar, it’s because it’s the exact situation Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) found himself in September—only now, it’s November, and it’s Speaker Mike Johnson’s problem.

Republicans are hoping Johnson will somehow deliver a solution to all of their legislative woes. But without a recognition that the House GOP isn’t going to magically come to agreement about a host of issues—like overall spending levels, individual policies in appropriations bills, or the fact that the Democratic Senate and the Democratic President aren’t just going to swallow Republican bills—a solution doesn’t appear in the offing.

“It’s the same. It’s the same set of issues. Again, the same tectonic plates,” said Rep. John Duarte (R-CA). “New speaker, nothing’s changed.”

  • @eran_morad
    2910 months ago

    We need to launch these useless parasites into the sun.

    • @CADmonkey
      1210 months ago

      My experience KSP suggests it would be less delta-V to just launch them out of the solar system.

      • Billiam
        1510 months ago

        It’s even less delta-v to launch them straight up and let lithobraking do the rest.

    • rigatti
      410 months ago

      Unfortunately NASA won’t have the funding to do that.