• SmokeyDope
    01 year ago

    One of the main reasons I still like older cars. I consider it harassment when I get ding donged to death for not wearing the seatbelt for a two minute drive down the road, if this shit ever happened to me the car is getting fuckin sold ASAP

      • @[email protected]
        08 months ago

        ever needed to put something heavy in the passengers seat ? ever needed to move the car a short distance slowly ?

        • @SpaceNoodle
          08 months ago

          In both cases, wear your seatbelt, you ding dong.

          • @[email protected]
            08 months ago

            am i required to also put the seatbelt down for the heavy object ? seems a bit unnecessary in both cases :/

            • @SpaceNoodle
              08 months ago

              If you’re regularly placing heavy objects on your seat, which is a highly unusual thing to do, I’m sure you can either deal with the dinging or figure out how to buckle the seatbelt prior to placing said heavy object.