Image transcription:

it’s a swole doge vs cheems meme

on swole doge side, there are two popups: kCrash and Ubuntu apport. Both have options to see detailed logs and an optional button to send report to developers, along with options to close the popup.
accompanied is a text that reads “Here’s the information. What do you wish to do?”

on crying cheems side, there’s popup for windows and mac. windows has just a cancel button with report being sent already. mac has ignore and report button. there is no option to see logs without reporting on both. here, accompanied text reads, “let’s add this to the personally identifiable information we have on you.”

  • @AlijahTheMediocre
    58 months ago

    “Nvidia” and “Linux” in the same message is the problem I am seeing here.

    Long story short be mad at Nvidia for not having properly supported drivers, they only just allowed opensource drivers but its very much still alpha software.

    • @Phanlix
      -68 months ago

      They’re literally releasing official versions for Linux. I’m not going to be mad at Nvidia, I’m going to be mad at the Linux community at this point for saying in another thread where I was asking about Nvidia support, and they responded 'nah shouldn’t be an issue, there are only rarely Nvidia issues. Fucking. Liars.

      • @AlijahTheMediocre
        58 months ago

        Official versions sure, but proprietary and they only work with X11 which is essentially deprecated.

        Wayland is replacing X11, Nvidia has made no serious attempts to support Wayland in their proprietary drivers. Fedora, Ubuntu, and now Debian (the core three) have all moved to Wayland by default.

        • @Phanlix
          48 months ago

          So what you’re saying is don’t use Linux if you’re on Nvidia, got it.

        • @[email protected]
          28 months ago

          Nvidia does take serious steps to support Wayland. Only since like half a year ago and not extremely fast but serious steps non the less.

      • @[email protected]
        38 months ago

        I only had a driver issue with Nvidia once in more than 10 years running Linux with Nvidia exclusively (need Nvidia for Cuda (and Cuda for work)) and that was fixed by temporarily downgrading

        • @Phanlix
          28 months ago

          I’ve been tested Linux since 2005 every time I have to reinstall windows and I’ve never once been able to get Nvidia to work easily. I’ve done it but it’s always been a bitch and a half.

        • @BURN
          28 months ago

          I wish I had that experience. I’ve had issues on every machine/distro I’ve tried to get NVidia working on. Fedora, Manjaro, Mint, Ubuntu, you name it, there’s been driver issues.

          Apparently newer cars (20 series or newer) have a lot more problems

          • @[email protected]
            18 months ago

            Currently I’ve a 3090 before that I had a 1060 and the 3090 I bought almost at release. I genuinely never had a problem.

            I hate saying this because of the all the toxic attitudes around but I ran gentoo and now arch Linux. Maybe they package the proprietary driver better?

      • @yuriy
        38 months ago

        I’ve had literally one instance of linux not playing well with nvidia drivers, and I was running a version of ubuntu more than a year out of updates. Switched to popOS and everything works out the box.

        There’s distros confirmed to work for just about every setup, just find one of them to start with rather than troubleshooting yourself in the foot.