• Flying Squid
    178 months ago

    I think the most important thing when it comes to a job, over pay, is mental health. If you’re doing a job you hate that pays you higher than doing a job you love, is it really worth spending so much of your limited time on this Earth doing something you hate? Unless what you want to do with your life will literally risk you and your family’s starvation, just do it. It’s not worth the stress. I know, I’m stuck in a horrible job trying desperately to get out.

    • @[email protected]
      8 months ago

      The flipside now is doing what you love now requires multiple 10’s of thousands of $ of debt to get even a CHANCE of getting into said field, and theres no guarantee that even if you get in you’ll love it as a job instead of just a hobby, so you arent guaranteed better mental health by career switching

    • @[email protected]
      28 months ago

      That’s the thing I struggle with: There’s lots of tasks that I wouldn’t mind, or might outright enjoy, to accomplish in exchange for monetary return…

      …oh, but it’s the same routine that occupies that un-movable, sometimes randomized deathgrip on that huge time-block in your life? Day in and day out? Until you lose your mind and quit?

      Even “playing games for a living” would suck under those circumstances!