• @skeezix
    -448 months ago

    The only way things can get better is if the get worse first.

      • osarusan
        158 months ago


        People like to toot democracy’s horn like it’s the best thing ever, but they forget that also comes with responsibilities. Everyone expecting that we’ll just vote in some savior who will fix everything has a complete misunderstanding of how government for the people by the people works. The people we elect merely represent us. It’s still up to us to change things the way we want them to change. If the only time you’re active in politics is when you push a button on a voting machine once a year (or every 4 years for some), then you don’t have much room to complain that things aren’t the way you want them to be.

        • @[email protected]
          28 months ago

          But too often these days the choice comes down to which piece of shit stinks less … and that’s a fucked up way to run a democratic republic.

      • @skeezix
        -118 months ago

        It’s a trichotomy

      • @[email protected]
        38 months ago

        When there isn’t a percieved available ‘better’ option, it becomes between ‘worse’ and ‘less worse’. From that perspective it is just an appeal to hope for a better way to become available.

        • @[email protected]
          48 months ago

          So you have worse, less worse, and wait for someone to make it better?

          Well shucks, here’s to hoping somebody turns up who’s not a halfwitted lazy fuck. Too bad. Somebody should really do something. Pass the chips.

              • @makatwork
                28 months ago

                I hope you follow your own advice as well.

                • @[email protected]
                  28 months ago

                  No, I haven’t run for office. I’m active in my community and follow local politics closely. Fortunately there’s some good people on council at the moment so I feel like my time is better spent other places. I’ve been involved in starting a nonprofit sports club and holy fuck, has that ever taught me a lot about the way the government runs and is structured. It’s policies and forms all the way down.

    • Flying Squid
      138 months ago

      Do you feel that way about everything in the world? Like your health? Do you wait to go to the doctor because the outcome will be better the sicker you get?

    • osarusan
      78 months ago

      That’s an extremely lazy take that lacks imagination.

      Look at the situation right now, and imagine one thing becoming less shitty. There, things just got better without getting worse. Now do that incrementally. It’s trivial to see how things can improve without destroying the whole system.