He cited, as supposed evidence, the decline of national church attendance and the rise of LGBTQ youth — the fact, Johnson lamented, that “one-in-four high school students identifies as something other than straight.”

    • @SkyezOpen
      7410 months ago

      If I had to invent a strawman to epitomize everything wrong with Republicans, it would not be as abhorrent as Mike Johnson because he’s fucked up in ways I haven’t even thought about.

      • @[email protected]
        4010 months ago

        I have to admit “Republican without a bank account” and “shares lack of porn activity with son” were not on my GOP bingo card.

            • FuglyDuck
              10 months ago

              I wonder if we could get a FOIA request on his office computer’s browsing activity.

              Anybody volunteering to actually look at his porn searches? I’m a coward.

      • FuglyDuck
        3010 months ago

        … he’s fucked up in ways I haven’t even thought about.

        because… you’re fairly normal. normal people don’t think like he does. Even modestly fucked up people don’t think like he does.

        • @cmbabul
          1610 months ago

          Maybe I missed something or maybe it’s just that I was raised evangelical but I haven’t been shocked by anything that’s come out about him. He’s pretty garden variety as far as beliefs they espouse, not that that makes them or him less horrible I’m just surprised others are surprised

          • FuglyDuck
            1110 months ago

            It’s not that I’m surprised he has extreme views/beliefs. It’s just that most evangelicals know it’s time to tamp down the rhetoric when they get to that point.

            In any case, I’m mostly just enjoying mocking the fuck out of him.

          • fmstrat
            210 months ago

            It’s entirely possible the demographics here on Lemmy lack solid representation from the cluster he hails from (specific religious groups, say… deep south out in the country babtists as an example, but I do not mean this to represent the majority of Christians there, because it most certainly does not). If you’ve spent time with these populations, little of his behavior is surprising (the bank account one is, though…).

            • @theangryseal
              310 months ago

              Nah, even that doesn’t surprise me.

              I was talking to a local preacher here the other day and I listened to him complain for a bit and I said, “Well, yeah. All we can do is obey the laws of the land bud.” as a kind of little jab.

              His reply, “I obey just laws. I ain’t gonna go out and get gay married because it’s legal. I also ain’t handing over every dime they want from me so they can give all the local junkies free dope at the clinic. The lord don’t want me doing that. The lord wants me to obey and support just and holy laws.”

              They take what they want from it and leave the rest haha.

              • @[email protected]
                410 months ago

                Yet he probably completely ignores Trump’s repeated infidelity, abuse of contractors working for him, lying about everything under the sun, etc, and will still cast his vote for the “law and order president.” It’s all just willful ignorance bullshit, every bit of it.

    • @jeffwOP
      1010 months ago

      He did the thing you can’t do anymore, negotiate with “the enemy”

    • @someguy3
      410 months ago

      Still not crazy enough. They want to burn it all down now

      • @[email protected]
        1210 months ago

        They should get serious then. There’s almost always a George Carlin quote ready:

        And you won’t see a lot of these pro-life people dousing themselves in kerosene and lighting themselves on fire. You know, morally committed religious people in South Vietnam knew how to stage a god damn demonstration, didn’t they? They knew how to put on a fucking protest. Light yourself on FIRE! Come on, you moral crusaders, let’s see a little smoke.