Cooked it with the meter on the Rib-Eye setting and it was perfect!

  • @soupspoon
    61 year ago

    Is this an ad cause it’s working lol

    • @Crackhappy
      41 year ago

      Fuck. Yeah I just bought one. I’ve wanted a meat thermometer for a long while and this is just absolutely exactly what I wanted.

      • @KetchupOP
        41 year ago

        Yeah man! I love that thing. There’s probably others, but I can not imagine cooking something like a roast without something like this! And just for the record, as I said in another comment. Not trying to buzz market either where I get the beef or the MEATER, I just value the quality of both.

      • @soupspoon
        31 year ago

        I’ve been looking at meat thermometers and not quite finding what I want, this is exactly what I want!

    • @KetchupOP
      1 year ago

      It is not and ad . Hah! I live FAR away from farms that raise cattle humanely. There is an organic farm in the state, but there have been problems. Alas, I have narrowed it down to a few farms I’ve spoken to on the phone directly when I make my orders. So I didn’t think it was wrong to acknowledge them (or the MEATER for that matter). Not trying to buzz market.

      • @soupspoon
        1 year ago

        I was just kidding! I didn’t even think about the Colorado Craft beef, although when I looked it up it did remind me I need to check out our farmer’s markets for some meat orders so it worked for the meat kinda and the thermometer too haha

        I’m glad you put that kind of effort into sourcing your food, and definitely worth a shout out!

        I was talking about the thermometer but I really do like seeing recommendations from redditors and I’ve been looking for a new meat thermometer with an app, do you have the regular one or the one with the extended range?

        Edit: spelling

        • @KetchupOP
          21 year ago

          Oh haha! Downvotes made me wonder if posts that might recommend brands were gauche in the fediverse, or I upset my non-animal eating friends, or it just doesn’t look good enough to be good porn lol

          Anyhow, Mine says it’s Part # MT-PR00

          I’ll include a photo with other info, but I don’t think I could ask for more for the types of cooks I use it for? I hope that helps.

          here I will include a shot of the inside

          • @soupspoon
            21 year ago

            Oh sorry! Definitely qualifies as food porn imo. You know, I’ve been noticing a lot of upvote and downvote counts that don’t make sense or fluctuate wildly, I wonder if it’s a bug or something? Or bots that get removed?

      • @Alchemy
        21 year ago

        Are you in the high country of CO because I want to come to your BBQs? That thermometer looks pretty great and the base package is very reasonable assuming I don’t roast it and burn it up.