• @scarabic
      11 year ago

      Good example. Honestly “fewer” is just falling out of use. Slowly, but it’s happening. Businesses never use a 5 letter word when a 4 letter word will do. This has an influence over time.

      • @Bewilderbeast
        11 year ago

        I don’t take issue with “10 items or less” even though it’s grammatically improper. Mostly because it sounds better or conversationally smoother. My hypocrisy is unbounded.

        Like all the other grammatical annoyances discussed in this thread, I suppose it’s not truly a sign of being uneducated. Fewer/Less just bugs me more than the transposition/spellcheck errors. And as was said upthread, “pedantry is often the signalling of being educated by those desperate to appear so.” My formal education didn’t get past community college and I know very well the limits of that. I’m not desparate to appear anything. I just like words, language, turns-of-phrase, etymology, etc.