• Drusas
    2710 months ago

    He hadn’t even done anything. He just happened to show up when cops were present, and now he’s dead.

    • @Coreidan
      -5610 months ago

      Nothing wrong, other then resisting anyway.

      I’m not a fan of cops but if they decide to put cuffs on you, don’t resist. Doesn’t matter if you’re in the right or not.

      Don’t take this as me saying he deserved any of this because he doesn’t. But things would have gone very different if he just complied.

        • @Coreidan
          10 months ago

          Probably, but if you think fighting the cops is a good idea then you have a tough life ahead of you.

          What’s your plan? Out running them? They live for the moment to chase you down with helicopters so they can pull out all their fun toys.

          All you’re doing is giving them ammunition to fuck your life up even harder.

            • @Coreidan
              10 months ago


              Except the victim did something wrong. Instead of glossing it over and ignoring it, maybe you should learn something from it.

              Fighting with the cops for seven minutes is literally the exact opposite of “not life threatening”.

              • bane_killgrind
                1210 months ago

                People are going to do the wrong thing. They will be tired, or impaired, or disabled in some way. They might not speak the same language as the cop, or be panicking for some unrelated reason.

                Are you going to train everybody how to do the “right” thing? No, that’s impossible. Train the cops. They didn’t need to detain this guy when he didn’t comply with the pain compliance. They could have backed off, followed him, and figured out a better solution.

                You might say, they have better things to do. I say, because they didn’t a man is dead, fuck you.

                • @Coreidan
                  -1610 months ago

                  Back off and follow him?

                  Did you even read the article? You sound clueless. Read the article ffs.

                  • bane_killgrind
                    910 months ago

                    I did, there was zero impetus for the police to use lethal force. He was refusing to answer their questions. The people from the domestic violence incident had left, and if he matched the description of those people it would have been mentioned.

                    They didn’t have a basis for detaining him, and they didn’t have a crime they were investigating. If they thought they had either of these things it’s because they didn’t do their job.

                    This is another instance of police officers deciding to restrict the lawful activities of citizens.

          • @[email protected]
            510 months ago

            When the alternative is becomig the next tyre nichols, i’d say resosting is only worthwhile if you can actually finish some of the bastards.

      • @surewhynotlem
        1610 months ago

        And that lady wouldn’t have been raped if she wore a longer skirt, amirite?

        • @Coreidan
          -1910 months ago

          Apples and oranges

          • @surewhynotlem
            910 months ago

            Exactly. Both are fruit. Both are blaming the victim for illegal activities of someone else.

            • @Coreidan
              -1010 months ago

              Resisting arrest is a crime.

              Wearing a skirt isn’t a crime.

              You’re being obtuse in either case. If you want to fight the cops go for it but you’ll lose every time. You know that already, so there is no excuse for not knowing that resisting arrest will ALWAYS make the situation worse.

              There is never a situation where escalating with the cops will benefit you.

              If you think this is relatable to getting raped then you sound like you live in a little bubble.

              • @surewhynotlem
                610 months ago

                Resisting arrest is a crime. But it’s not a crime you can be arrested for.

                You have to be under arrest for something in order to resist arrest. Then they can add that as a crime.

                So tell me, what was he being arrested for? Because I’m pretty sure he was actually resisting illegal detainment.

                • @Coreidan
                  10 months ago

                  First of all it sounds like you’re completely oblivious to the law and how the real world works.

                  Second of all did you even bother reading the article? The cops were called to the apartment due to domestic violence reports. The officers confronted someone at the apartment and stopped them to ask them questions. They weren’t being “detained”.

                  Instead of complying with the cops he immediately ran. When finally confronted he started fighting. This went on for 7 minutes. 7 minutes is a long fucking time to be fighting someone.

                  He wasn’t “executed” like all the super dramatic folks in here are saying. He died several days later in the hospital.

                  Running from the cops is always the wrong idea. Fighting the cops will only be met with further escalation.

                  • bane_killgrind
                    710 months ago

                    The officers confronted someone at the apartment and stopped them to ask them questions. They weren’t being “detained”.

                    Instead of complying with the cops

                    If he wasn’t free to go, he was being detained.

                    If he was being detained, they needed a reasonable suspicion that he committed a crime.

                    They didn’t have that, they didn’t do their job, and they lost their qualified immunity.

                    Are you oblivious to the law?

                  • bane_killgrind
                    610 months ago

                    Killmer told the panel a jury could find the arrest wasn’t lawful in the first place.

                    From the article

          • Drusas
            410 months ago

            It is not apples and oranges. It is the same thing. It is the more vulnerable party having to give in to the stronger party because they have no other legitimate recourse.

      • @[email protected]
        1410 months ago

        Cops aren’t allowed to go around tasering people for no reason. What you’re saying is good advice, but it’s an awful thing to say in response to this. Saying that innocent people (or guilty ones, at that) should just comply is total bullshit, it is textbook victim blaming.

        • @Coreidan
          -1410 months ago

          You are required BY LAW to comply. Why is this so hard for you all?

          • @[email protected]
            810 months ago

            If I’m just walking around, innocent of all crimes, I’m required to comply when an officer stops me? Am I required to let him taze me too if he claims I resisted? I don’t believe that’s true, though I wouldn’t put it past US cops. It’s definitely authoritarian as fuck if true though.

            The reason it’s so hard for us all is that you’re giving a pass to truly horrendous behavior, by blaming the victims of that behavior for not preventing it.

          • Natanael
            510 months ago

            Compliance haven’t stopped them from attacking people anyway, what’s so hard to understand about that?

            • @Coreidan
              -510 months ago

              What point are you trying to make? That it’s OK to run from the cops? Stupid take

              • Natanael
                610 months ago

                Do you understand the proportionality principle?

              • @[email protected]
                310 months ago

                It’s absolutely okay to run from cops. It certainly doesn’t justify any level of force from the cops . Somebody fleeing is literally zero threat to the cops.

          • Doug HollandOP
            210 months ago

            Dude’s dead and you’re defending that, repeatedly and rudely, since yesterday afternoon.

            Rule 2 reminder: If you’re here to support the police, you’re trolling. Please exercise your right to remain silent.

      • @SinningStromgald
        1210 months ago

        Resist arrest = get executed = O.K. according to you.

        Seems completely reasonable. /s

      • @Madison420
        1010 months ago

        Resisting is a secondary charge dumbass you can’t be successfully charged with it without a preceding charge, at least know what you’re talking about before you speak about it.

        You’re not wrong there, but that doesn’t make resisting an actual charge that could stick or they could be arrested for.

        Yes yes, of they want to murder you just let them, we’ve heard it before but I guarantee of the save happens to you you’d likely react the same. It’s human nature to which is why it’s not a charge in most of the modern world.

      • @pete_the_cat
        410 months ago

        “Stop resisting!”

        You know that it’s very difficult to calm down when you have emotions raging, dude was probably pumped full of adrenaline and was like “what the fuck is going on?”.

        Cops seem to think they have the ultimate say and you have to listen to everything they say immediately. If you don’t, you end up dead half the time.

      • @Mango
        310 months ago

        No, I will make them kill me because living with the conditions they impose on me is worse. There’s no light on the other end of the court room. I know first hand.