• @JusticeForPorygon
    781 year ago

    This is unironically how i judge if someone is a decent person. It costs you nothing, and requires minimum effort, and yet most people I meet just can’t be bothered. I don’t even work in retail, nor have I ever, but it just annoys the hell outta me that people are that inconsiderate. It’s not like Sam Walton himself is asking you to put the cart away for him. When you don’t do it some minimum wage employee has to chase them down. You’re not better than them. You’re capable of doing the minimal task asked of you.

    As previously stated, I’ve met way to many people like this. Pox on the Earth. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

    • @Voyajer
      1 year ago

      Reminds me of shopping cart theory.

      • Advocado
        141 year ago

        Words of wisdom right there.

          • @Syrc
            61 year ago

            Plenty of good things come out of 4chan, it’s just that the bad ones outnumber them by a lot.

            Kind of like with humans in general.

      • @I_Fart_Glitter
        51 year ago

        No one will kill you, but I might call you a cunt-muffin to your face. And you can’t even complain to anyone about it because when you tack muffin on the end it sounds sort of cute and you sound like even more of a cunt-muffin for complaining. Ya cunt-muffin.

        • @shalafi
          61 year ago

          Caveat: Do not use that word in America unless you intend a fist fight.

          My Pilipino wife asked the other day, “What is C U N T?”

          “It’s a pussy, and don’t use it.”

        • @[email protected]
          31 year ago

          I don’t think anyone will confront you about such things where I live or where anon lives. So there isn’t even that incentive. Someone might look at you disapprovingly, but more likely they’re just condemning you in private without showing it.

          One incentive used to be to get your money back, but nowadays many are unlocked.

      • @[email protected]
        -61 year ago

        What if I’m in a rush? Also, as a customer, the carts and the people that gather the carts are part of the convenience of shopping quickly at the store. I return the cart when it’s not an inconvenience.

        • TheHarpyEagle
          21 year ago

          It takes two minutes at most to return a cart. If you’re that short on time, plan better. Also returning carts is not just for the convenience of the staff, it also prevents carts from blocking spaces and damaging cars.

          • @[email protected]
            -21 year ago

            There are interim places that are out of the way of spots, like little islands where lampposts are mounted. The fact of the matter is that most lots don’t have enough corrales.

            You might be able to make time to putz around the parking lot, but I keep busy. This is not a time management issue.

            • @[email protected]
              21 year ago

              Well of course it’s not a time management issue, because it takes like 1% of the shipping trip.

              I feel like I JUST recently saw an image or two that explains what it might be an issue with…

              • @[email protected]
                -11 year ago

                Yes. I typically do the right thing, but not when it’s inconvenient. I have empathy, but it only goes so far.

                  • @[email protected]
                    -11 year ago

                    I don’t drive a car. I drive a truck. I take up multiple spots if it’s convenient and won’t ruffle anyone’s feathers. Today, someone tried to race ahead of me on a merge where they were in the right lane and I didn’t let them. They remind me of your sentiment. I could somehow let the person from the right lane cut in front of me by jamming on my breaks, but their place is clearly behind me in the right lane yielding to merge into my main lane. I am the main lane story, the cart boy is a supporting NPC.

    • Pantsofmagic
      121 year ago

      I worked in retail as a college summer job and someone let their cart loose and it cracked a light on my car. The security tapes confirmed it. I was parked way off to the side with the other employees and the cart gained some momentum on its way.

      Another similar test is when someone changes their mind on buying something if they return it to its original spot or just dump it on a random shelf. This is another thing that I really hated dealing with in retail.

      • @[email protected]
        91 year ago

        Another similar test is when someone changes their mind on buying something if they return it to its original spot or just dump it on a random shelf.

        Bonus points on when it’s something from the frozen food aisle they just stash randomly on some shelf to melt and spoil!

    • @WhiskyTangoFoxtrot
      31 year ago

      I used to work in retail, and I looked forward to doing cart-cleanup because it meant I’d have a few minutes where I didn’t have to deal with customers but I was still getting paid. Returning shopping carts was the least stressful part of my day and I wished I could do it more.

    • @electrogamerman
      31 year ago

      I think the same word by word. Sorry, but I have to ask, are you dating someone? Somehow all the people I have dated don’t give a F about returning the cart back and then it shows later on in bad mannerisms. I wonder, where do I find people that return their car back in its right place!

      • @JusticeForPorygon
        41 year ago

        No, I’m not in a relationship. Maybe it’s because I’ve never met a woman who feels as passionately about this as I do lol

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      are you a bot? I’m like 99% certain this comment has appeared in every askreddit thread on this, and there’s been a lot of them