• @Delphia
        167 months ago

        The boss counts the till at the end of the day for the same reason you should keep a diary with your hours worked including times and spend the 5 minutes to add it all up and check that you’re being paid correctly.

        They dont trust you, so you dont trust them.

        • @shalafi
          67 months ago

          As an hourly employee, if you’re not signing off on worked hours, in some fashion, both you and the employer are fucking up big time.

          One call to the state labor board and the employer must prove hours worked, that you signed off on.

          They can’t do that? Then the employee gets everything claimed.

          SOURCE: Worked for a payroll firm for 5-years. Very eye opening.

          • @Delphia
            37 months ago

            Absolutely, but theres a difference between wage theft and honest mistakes. You have to check for both. Its easy to write a 5 that looks like a 6 or someone forgetting to tick a box, etc.

            Just because you signed off on it doesnt mean it was input and processed correctly.

      • @CluckN
        -187 months ago

        Who comes up with this shit?

        All I have to do is make 1 or 2 phone calls to get my $100 pay, ASAP.

    • @shalafi
      7 months ago

      I’ve found Americans are woefully ignorant of employment law. But the employers are not.

      Employers are scared shitless of a call from the state labor board. 2 jobs ago I had a really weaselly, small time, company owner. My god, the things that man would say and do to fuck you around. But he stayed within the law and did not fuck around on paychecks.

      One time I was shorted $200. Honest mistake. He called me personally and said he would give me $200 out of his wallet, that afternoon, if it was not in my bank account by EOB.

      My last job was for a payroll firm. I don’t think it’s common knowledge, but most places farm out the payroll. Let the experts handle it because the laws and taxes get complex in a hurry. Even our shitty clients wouldn’t play around with pay.

      Example; You work overtime and aren’t paid, or paid correctly. You call the labor board and the employer is on the hook to prove your hours. One call, guilty until proven innocent, and it’s on them. If they cannot, the labor board defaults to the employee.

      “I worked 80-hours a week for these assholes and got paid for 40!”

      Aight. One call and the employer shows your signature agreeing to the hours worked, or they pay. All of it. Every time.

    • @Delphia
      57 months ago

      Yeah this is pretty absurd.


      If my boss goes into my locker and lifts $100 from my wallet the same thing happens to him as if I take it from the till. If he fucks up my pay he can shrug and say it was an honest mistake. Same as how I have a garage full of the sorting tubs we use at work for organising things because I “accidentally” brought them home with work in them and “forgot” to bring them back.