• @[email protected]
    6 months ago

    That’s what we get with a two party system. The parties don’t really need to compete through better policy, simply spending more and being marginally less bad in the eyes of the voters on your side of the line is enough of a strategy for them.

    If 3rd parties were viable, democrats would actually have to compete in the ways that matter, and we wouldn’t see shitty politicians like Biden as much.

    But we’re not going to get that until election reform (STAR & Approval voting, ban on money in politics, etc) happens.

      • @assassin_aragorn
        36 months ago

        Yeah and Trump said he’d get rid of corruption in the government.

        I trust a Republican as far as I can throw them. Never forget that McConnell filibustered his own bill when Obama said he supported it. Gaetz is just setting up a football to grab away at the last minute.

          • @assassin_aragorn
            16 months ago

            I don’t see the harm in it, fair enough. Even if it’s politically unwise to take action against Democrats who vote for it, in my opinion, it’s still worthwhile to know where they stand. Down the road, when we aren’t fighting an existential christofascist threat, we know who to vote out. Or, we can see who suddenly feels very strongly for it, after having voted against it.

        • Cosmic Cleric
          06 months ago

          Never forget that McConnell filibustered his own bill when Obama said he supported it.

          It was shockingly amazing to see this, jaw-dropping actually.

          I wonder if that’s the first time in Congress history that something like that ever happened.