I just recently started documenting my code as it helped me. Though I feel like my documentations are a bit too verbose and probably unneeded on obvious parts of my code.

So I started commenting above a few lines of code and explain it in a short sentence what I do or why I do that, then leave a space under it for the next line so it is easier to read.

What do you think about this?

Edit: real code example from one of my projects:

async def discord_login_callback(request: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponseRedirect:
    async def exchange_oauth2_code(code: str) -> str | None:
        data = {
            'grant_type': 'authorization_code',
            'code': code,
            'redirect_uri': OAUTH2_REDIRECT_URI
        headers = {
            'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
        async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client:
            # get user's access and refresh tokens
            response = await client.post(f"{BASE_API_URI}/oauth2/token", data=data, headers=headers, auth=(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET))
            if response.status_code == 200:
                access_token, refresh_token = response.json()["access_token"], response.json()["refresh_token"]

                # get user data via discord's api
                user_data = await client.get(f"{BASE_API_URI}/users/@me", headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {access_token}"})
                user_data = user_data.json()
                user_data.update({"access_token": access_token, "refresh_token": refresh_token}) # add tokens to user_data

                return user_data, None
                # if any error occurs, return error context
                context = generate_error_dictionary("An error occurred while trying to get user's access and refresh tokens", f"Response Status: {response.status_code}\nError: {response.content}")
                return None, context

    code = request.GET.get("code")
    user, context = await exchange_oauth2_code(code)

    # login if user's discord user data is returned
    if user:
        discord_user = await aauthenticate(request, user=user)
        await alogin(request, user=discord_user, backend="index.auth.DiscordAuthenticationBackend")
        return redirect("index")
        return render(request, "index/errorPage.html", context)
  • @CookieOfFortune
    1910 months ago

    Your code should generally be self documenting: Have variable and method names that make sense.

    Use comments when you need to explain something that might not be obvious to someone reading the code.

    Also have documentation for your APIs: The interfaces between your components.

    • @[email protected]
      10 months ago

      One interesting thing I read was that commenting code can be considered a code smell. It doesn’t mean it’s bad, it just means if you find yourself having to do it you should ask yourself if there’s a better way to write the code so the comment isn’t needed. Mostly you can but sometimes you can’t.

      API docs are also an exception imo especially if they are used to generate public facing documentation for someone who may not want to read your code.

      Agree with you though, generally people should be able to understand what’s going on by reading your code and tests.

      • @MajorHavoc
        410 months ago

        Great points. I’m a huge advocate for adding comments liberally, and then treating them as a code smell after.

        During my team’s code reviews, anything that gets a comment invariably raises a “could we improve this so the comment isn’t need?” conversation.

        Our solution is often an added test, because the comment was there to warn future developers not to make the same mistake we did.

    • silas
      610 months ago

      I know there are documentation generators (like JSDoc in JavaScript) where you can literally write documentation in your code and have a documentation site auto-generated at each deployment. There’s definitely mixed views on this though

      • @CookieOfFortune
        -310 months ago

        To my knowledge that just formats existing comments. With LLMs you could probably do 95% of the actual commenting.

        • Superb
          1010 months ago

          Useful comments should provide context or information not already available in the code. There is no LLM that can generate good comments from the source alone

          • silas
            10 months ago

            Codium does surprisingly well at generating JSDoc, and it processes your code within the context of your entire codebase. Still not quite there yet, but you might be surprised

          • @CookieOfFortune
            110 months ago

            Why wouldn’t it be able to? It can link similar code structure to data in its training set. Maybe the ones that aren’t at that level but it’s hardly a stretch to make these inferences. Most of the code you write is hardly novel.

            • Superb
              610 months ago

              If it’s not exactly novel, how many comments do you really need?

              An LLM is just gonna describe the code it sees. Good comments should include information and context that is not already in the source.

              • @CookieOfFortune
                110 months ago

                I’m mostly talking about when you need to use JSDoc format which are usually for interfaces, so it’s usually just a chore for humans.

                Probably harder to get good comments inside code, but it might still be possible.