• @satanmat
    108 months ago

    Imho. They are not voting based on those facts. They voted for him because he said the things they want to hear. Nothing to do with the truth; you’re not being kept down by billionaires, it is those (wink) people….

    No one who thought about it ever thought trump would build that wall and Mexico would pay for it; but people scared of MS-13 being active in their podunk town rallied around him for saying that

    • @MataVatnik
      338 months ago

      Argentinian here, they voted for him because they believe these ministries are overly burdened with corruption, meaning all the money gets embezzled and the ministries don’t actually function. Massa, the opposing candidate, minister of economy had an 150% increase in inflation during his tenure. Lastly, they don’t think it can get much worse so why not try something different

        • @MataVatnik
          8 months ago

          The point is that it’s already so bad that they don’t care.

          • @[email protected]
            48 months ago

            Will they come back again once the economic situation goes good? I mean it is not a good solution for a long run.

        • @reddit_sux
          38 months ago

          It’s easy for us to say it is not worst now. People are desperate for a change and desperate people cab do anything.

        • u/unhappy_grapefruit_2
          8 months ago

          No but im sure your both

          : and on a side note desperate people will do desperate things. If someone is nearing bankruptcy due to the economic situation and they’ll probably vote for the guy saying that they’ll improve the economic situation

        • jungle
          -18 months ago

          I’m only sure that you are.

    • @[email protected]
      38 months ago

      Also, especially in Argentina’s case, because the other guys are literally the worst. ¹

      ¹ Except that this guy is somehow even more worst. But hey, at least it’s new ² worst.

      ² It’s not really new. Just the same old fascism ³, with a new shiny coat of paint. ⁴

      ³ Except somehow even more stupid and irrational than ever before.

      ⁴ It’s not really paint. ⁵

      ⁵ Shit. It’s shit. Brightly coloured shit, because of all the blood and other bodily fluids mixed in.