• @EndlessApollo
    6 months ago

    We have fascism because of democrats sliding farther right along with republicans. We sure as fuck can’t just keep letting shit get worse forever and ever, unless you think that waiting until liberals are right of Hitler is preferable to not letting that happen?

    • Flying Squid
      46 months ago

      So we can’t let fascism get worse and the solution to that is to let Republicans win in 2024. I see.

      • @EndlessApollo
        6 months ago

        And you want to keep voting for the people slowly turning into fascists until there’s no nonviolent way out. Seriously, what way out is there when democrats are trying to go as far right as they can? Are we just supposed to wait until shit is unfixable to try and make a stand against them?

        Edited because what I said in my original comment was completely uncalled for, and I’m sorry for saying it

        • Flying Squid
          36 months ago

          I’m still not getting how letting Republicans win means less fascism.

          • @EndlessApollo
            06 months ago

            Fascism is unavoidable. We can let democrats know that we won’t let them perpetrate it, or we can VBNMH and let them know they can do literally anything and still get votes

            • Flying Squid
              36 months ago

              And letting Republicans win will do that?

              • @EndlessApollo
                06 months ago

                It’s the only thing I can think of that might, other than a revolution that’ll never happen because Americans will let anything happen as long as they feel comfortable enough. Do you have a better idea?

                • Flying Squid
                  36 months ago

                  Okay, why aren’t you fomenting revolution and instead just voting for people who have no chance of winning?

                  • @EndlessApollo
                    26 months ago

                    You’re right, I should totally start a scrappy underground resistance and overthrow the government instead of just not supporting democrats