• The greatest thing to come from 4chan is an AI generated green text about a bottomless pit, having been trained on real 4chan green texts.

    A machine learning algorithm was capable of better humor than the real people that post to that cesspool. Just remember that.

      • 🇰 🌀 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 🇮 🏆
        1 year ago

        be me

        bottomless pit supervisor

        in charge of making sure the bottomless pit is, in fact, bottomless

        occasionally have to go down there and check if the bottomless pit is still bottomless

        one day i go down there and the bottomless pit is no longer bottomless

        the bottom of the bottomless pit is now just a regular pit


        ask my boss what to do

        he says “just make it bottomless again”

        i say “how”

        he says “i don’t know, you’re the supervisor”


        quit my job

        become a regular pit supervisor

        first day on the job, go to the new hole

        its bottomless