Prosecutors say Kim Phuong Taylor wanted her husband to win elections in 2020 “by any means necessary.”

A jury spent about five hours deliberating before convicting Kim Phuong Taylor on 52 counts of voter fraud in federal court Tuesday in Sioux City. Taylor faces up to five years in prison on each count. A sentencing date hasn’t been set.

Prosecutors say Taylor took advantage of other Vietnamese immigrants by illegally filling out election forms and ballots. Her husband, Jeremy Taylor, lost a GOP primary for the U.S. House and won election to the Woodbury County Board of Supervisors in 2020.

Two Iowa State students, Tam and Thien Doan, took the stand and said that when they tried to file absentee ballots in Ames, they discovered someone had already cast a ballot in their names. They are Democrats, but their votes supported all Republican candidates, including former President Donald Trump. They were able to get new ballots in time for the general election.

  • @TrickDacy
    010 months ago

    don’t agree with a source

    See the pesky thing about facts is that they aren’t dependent on “agreement”.

    The source of information being awful matters. Your type loves to think you’re open minded and no one else is. I have been through decades of giving anyone related to Republicans a chance. I gave them way too many actually. Spreading lies on the Internet is actually a terrible thing to do. It doesn’t make you superior which is what you seem to think it does. Your sources are basically Fox News. 🤢

    • @[email protected]
      010 months ago

      See the pesky thing about facts is that they aren’t dependent on “agreement”.

      Exactly, the souce itself does not make facts, not facts. Well I’m not a republican. I’m sorry that you are unable to objectively look at things.

      So since I posted a link to a site that you don’t like, that has verifiable facts, that’s me spreading lies on the internet? I do not believe I’m superior at all, I was mainly stating that voter fraud, when it rarely happens in the scheme of things, happens on both sides of the isle. That’s it.

      • @TrickDacy
        10 months ago

        Dude, you’re obviously a Republican. The heritage foundation is well known as a right wing think tank. You are spreading lies, and I expect it’s intentional

        If you were interested in the truth, you’d be most concerned with the vErIfIeD FaCtS meaning you’d be focused on the fact that voter fraud barely exists, instead of pretending it’s not usually republicans doing it and “coincidentally” the only ones who care about it.

        • @[email protected]
          010 months ago

          I searched Google for voter fraud database and that’s what came up, simple as that. I looked through the database, searched a couple of the names, the local reports from local news outlets came up. Thus verifiable… Yes voter fraud barely exists, there were what, 1400 cases from 2016 - 2020 in that database. That’s miniscule. I was only stating that in the rare cases it does happen, it happens on both sides. I didn’t say it’s not usually Republicans either, I believe someone stated 50:1 in that thread. I merely stated that it was closer to 43:37 in reality. So the 50:1 comment is trying to pass off lies but you don’t care about that. You in fact do not care about facts unless those facts come from sources within your echo chamber. Take a step back and look at things objectively and put biases aside.

          • @TrickDacy
            010 months ago

            “put your biases aside”

            • a person who puts any stock whatsoever in the heritage foundation
            • @[email protected]
              010 months ago

              Holy hell, I used it for a database. How can a factual database have a bias. You really are something else

              • @TrickDacy
                010 months ago

                I was once stubbornly a BoTh SiDeS-er too. I was between 17-22 then. When I actually learned enough to see the reliable fact patterns, I wised up. I hope you do as well. Because you’re looking about like a Republican shill at the moment.

                • @[email protected]
                  010 months ago

                  I still don’t understand how pointing to a database, and agreeing with the sentiments put forth about how voter fraud is not a real issue, is a republican shill? If I was stating the there was an issue that’s another thing. It’s funny I’ve noticed the fact patterns too, and I’ve realized that both sides always show biases and you have to look through all that. If you believe only one side is telling the truth, you are very delusional. Both sides report as if the other is lying, you can’t tell me that one side is always right, if so I don’t believe you are much older then 22. Very nieve.

                  • @TrickDacy
                    010 months ago

                    The source of information matters and I think you know that… There’s nothing to argue about here