• Sybil
    18 months ago

    sometimes the people I vote for win.

    but why would I ever have over someone if I didn’t want them to win?

    • Flying Squid
      18 months ago

      Because if you vote for a person who actually has a chance of winning, you actually make a difference.

      But sure. Jill Stein definitely has a chance of winning this time around. Not the last two times, but definitely this time.

      • Sybil
        18 months ago

        what do I care what their chances of winning are if I don’t want them to win? why would I have over someone if I don’t want them to win?

        • Flying Squid
          18 months ago

          So neither Trump nor Biden will do a single thing you want to happen or a single thing you want to stop happening that the other will not? Not one?

          • Sybil
            18 months ago

            that isn’t my standard. my standard is whether I want someone to win. that’s why I vote for people.

            • Flying Squid
              18 months ago

              Again- what does that achieve if they have no chance of winning?

              • Sybil
                18 months ago

                I vote for the person that I want. that’s what it achieves it’s an end in itself.

                • Flying Squid
                  18 months ago

                  No, that’s circular reasoning. That doesn’t explain why you do it. Although it sounds like you’re saying your vote is symbolic. I’m not sure why you bother voting at all in that case. No one will know you voted.

                  • Sybil
                    18 months ago

                    circular reasoning is internally consistent.