A Fox News reporter tried to highlight concerns about Joe Biden’s age by noting that the president has faced questions on the subject—then played a clip of a reporter asking whether he is “too old” for a second term.

What the correspondent, Lucas Tomlinson, failed to note in the package that played on Fox News Sunday was that he is the reporter who shouted that question.

  • @books
    7710 months ago

    Let’s be 100 fair

    Biden is too damn old. So is trump.

    There are 365,000,000 people in the us. There is a zero sum chance these are our two best options.

    I will vote against Biden in the primary and rail against him on every fucking poll I get the chance to do so in. He billed himself as a transition president. A one and done option.

    However, in Nov of 2024 when I’m forced to hold my breath and vote for old white guy vs old white guy, I’ll pick the democrat… But I’m not fucking happy about it… And you can bet your ass that the people ten to twenty years younger than me are less thrilled than I.

    • Xhieron
      010 months ago

      That old white guy tried to forgive my student loans, and he failed only because the fascists on the other side of the aisle want us to be poor so we can’t supplant them. I don’t care if he’s a thousand year old Nosferatu. I will cheerfully vote for Biden with my head up and my eyes open. He wasn’t my first choice four years ago, but he’s been an excellent President.

      I care a lot more about whether the President has good policy than whether he’s in my preferred generation. More importantly, I trust Joe Biden with the federal government. There are a great many young Democrats, even some ideologically closer to me, for whom I can’t say the same. Four more years of Grandpa Joe, especially with a Democratic Congress, could easily be the best chance the US will have for forward momentum in a century.

    • @Etterra
      -410 months ago

      Yeah that’s all you can do. In 2016 I bitched and moaned, but I took my medicine and voted for The Bitch. If more people had joined me then we wouldn’t have gotten 4 years of deranged orange jackass. We should have had Burnie, but the DNC muscled him out of the way so their unwanted Republicratic “first woman president” could be a thing.

      The protest voters who picked 3rd party were literally the votes she needed to win. All because they were so butthurt that they refused to do the smart thing and we got the Cheeto in Chief instead. And when was the last time you heard a peep out of them? Assuming they didn’t go full Qultist, they sure seen to have shut up and hidden given the intensity that our disaster of a country has ratcheted up to.

    • @Smoogs
      -1010 months ago

      …yes,…this is what bipartisan is.

      • @books
        1710 months ago

        How is this two parties agreeing with each other?

        • El Barto
          910 months ago

          I think what OP meant to (lousily) say was that this is an example of how a two-party system gives voters limited options.

          • @books
            410 months ago

            Oh, well , that we can agree on.