If the average American were asked what they imagine the priorities of the feminist movement are these days, most people would likely cite concerns like “fighting abortion bans” or “getting justice for sexual violence victims” or boring mainstays like “equal pay for equal work.” But if you listen in to the world of right-wing social media influencers, they have a different answer. To them, feminists are single-mindedly obsessed with destroying women who identify as “tradwives.”

  • @[email protected]
    6 months ago

    In fairness, all x wing (pun intended) fantasies are rotting young minds. My extremism is mind rot, whether you’re a guy, girl or whatever you want to be in between. Yes, be progressive, but please please also be pragmatic. There is a real world put there and the pushing of left wing agendas in the past decade has caused more hand than it’s done good. People are tired of the more nonsensical parts being pushed and now we have a trump in the Netherlands. Great job.

    Can we please focus on actual important rights? We fucking lost abortion in the US, thanks to trump who also had a lot of “fuck this PC police bullshit” votes, this coming from too many of my US friends and customers who voted for him back in the day even though he was bad for them, they just were done with the left wing crap…

    Please be practical, focus on real and actual issues that need to be resolved.

    Edit: I miss the times where people would read more than just the first 5 words…

      • @steeznson
        -216 months ago

        Idk man you might disagree with him but he made his point fairly respectfully and you replied trying to start a flame war.

        • @SharkEatingBreakfast
          286 months ago

          Someone can be “fairly respectful” or “civil” about their views on gender identity & sexuality, but if their message boils down to ideology like “I don’t believe this really exists”, “Be a man or a woman, ffs”, or “These people are all just mentally ill”, it doesn’t really matter how “respectful” they are being if their message / beliefs are harmful to marginalized groups.

          I don’t necessarily encourage these kinds of hostile replies, but I can absolutely see where it comes from, and it is absolutely understandable.

          If your beliefs can cause or encourages harm, hostility can enforce the message that it is not welcome in these places.

          I would also love to know what kind of “left wing agenda” that the commenter is claiming to “cause so much harm” actually is.

          • @Drivebyhaiku
            86 months ago

            It’s something that I have gotten used to hearing even within the “community” particularly from “centrist” gay, lesbian and bi folk. This idea that my freedom to live my life is an impediment to wider acceptance. The implications being that our time is just a little further down the road once things are secure for them then we can have our turn. Maybe… If they feel like it.

            Like that means people I know might not get stranded for years between surgeries stuck in pain, have their medications revoked making their endocrine system a fucking mess, be subject to violent crimes because we are not respectable enough to listen to or fight for… That we have to exist with the battery of hope that things could be better running quietly out… To ask yourself if someone you know is going to die in the next election cycle. And then you see the gay guys on the picket lines of the anti trans rallies flaunting their gayness as a weapon to say “even we think they are crazy!” or who act like utter feces when a gay trans man enters a gay club.

            The reason the LGBTQIA+ has their no person left behind solidarity is this. The recognition that there is a fight on many fronts and that no one is a fungible pawn because once someone’s got theirs then having gratitude and empathy for the past help of those still fighting is the right thing to do. When people talk about the left abandoning the identity issues they are openly discussing sacrificing us and thankfully some notice and take them to task. True allies understand that to us we are stuck in a Catch 22 and just like the book says “The enemy is anybody who’s going to get you killed, no matter which side he is on.”

        • @[email protected]
          6 months ago

          Advocating or defending fascism “respectfully” is still advocating a hateful ideology. Fuck that guy.

    • IWantToFuckSpez
      216 months ago

      Wilders winning the election in the Netherlands is not the fault of the Left. Who was in power in the Netherlands for the last twenty years? It was center right liberals.

    • @[email protected]
      6 months ago

      PC? You mean words and actions having consequences and previously marginalized groups having a voice in society? Why do those things upset you so much?

      Why do you think that building an egalitarian society where all voices are actualized is bad?

    • HopeOfTheGunblade
      136 months ago

      Can you be more explicit, please? Which policies, exactly, should be pushed? Which abandoned?

      • @steeznson
        56 months ago

        I read it as them believing that the modern focus on identity politics on the left might be counterproductive. Not sure though, they would need to clarify.

        • HopeOfTheGunblade
          76 months ago

          I’m definitely interested in hearing from them what they mean. If that were their answer, I’d want to know what exactly is meant by “identity politics”, because it seems like a negative applause light rather than a pointer to a real thing in the territory. At least that’s how I generally see it used.

          • @steeznson
            46 months ago

            Yeah I’m curious too. Wouldn’t be surprised if we didn’t get clarification though since this thread has turned into a bit of a bun fight.

        • @[email protected]
          16 months ago

          You mean gender identity politics? Because the right has been weaponizing identity politics for a long time. To the point that people acknowledge that they are better served by left wing policies but will still vote right because that’s part of their identity.

    • @SCB
      46 months ago

      In fairness, all x wing (pun intended) fantasies are rotting young minds.

      Why do you hate Star Wars tho