This is a thought experiment that came up just now

Historically, global powers have meddled with the internal affairs of smaller countries and regions, hurting their chances for peace and stability. Sometimes it was for profit, sometimes it was to maintain or shift the balance of power in their favour.

What if that applies even further out, and part of the reason why we can’t work towards something collectively is because it threatens those same incentives above? Alternatively, if it hasn’t happened yet, it could still be something to keep in mind as a future possibility.

Now before they realize we’re onto them and decide to pay us a visit:

  1. If the reason for the meddling is that a united humanity could pose a threat, it doesn’t have to. As smaller regions on earth achieved peace and understanding, they could then start working on that with larger regions. So progress doesn’t have to end with a united humanity.
  2. Please don’t.
  • @Chickenstalker
    167 months ago
    1. There are literally billions of stars in our galaxy alone

    2. Most stars have planets

    3. An interstellar civilization capable of routine interstellar travel will have literally NO REASON to bother with wars or invasions. They can simply go to another star system for practically limitless resources.

    • @[email protected]
      27 months ago

      But that might be less fun to them. They might simply enjoy building up and knocking down civilizations like dominos.

    • @nomecks
      17 months ago

      You should check out the grabby alien theory.

      • @Cosmicomical
        17 months ago

        This theory is a self-fulfilling prophecy, it doesn’t need to be that way, unless you convince enough people that it has to be that way.

        • @shalafi
          17 months ago

          You totally lost me. Both hypotheses revolve around what the other game player is doing and thinking. That’s not a thing that can be controlled by the first party.