PlayStation To Delete A Ton Of TV Shows Users Already Paid For::Sony says Mythbusters and more Discovery TV shows are going away whether you bought them or not

  • @A_Random_Idiot
    167 months ago

    Oh wow, Sony being shitty to customers.

    How fucking expected.

    • bruhduh
      47 months ago

      A bit of harsh truth, people love and adore those corporations that shat on them, it’s not the first time and not the last time this happens

      • @A_Random_Idiot
        27 months ago

        Sony has an especially nasty history of giving the middle finger to customers.

        Especially when it comes to stolen accounts and fraud.

        In a world that wasnt filled with people who center their identity around which corporate overlord they worship, Sony’s Playstation divison would have died in flames a decade ago.