In my endless quest for good oneshots, I can classify the manga that I find into three rough groups.

  1. Bad - These are manga that are just really not great for one reason or another. I don’t want to start naming things that put a manga into this category for me so that I don’t inadvertently name something that you happen to like, but this is the category that contains the largest volume of manga.
  2. Great - These are the series that I really like and enjoy. It could be great art, an interesting premise, a good joke, etc. These are the ones I like to post to the community, but they are the least common among all the manga I find.
  3. Somewhere In-between - This is the subject of this post and future Casual Friday posts. I find quite a number of oneshots that I think are decent, but not special. So, I decided that rather than let them fade into browser history obscurity, why not group some together and share that way. I chose to share four of them as a bit of an homage to the 4-koma format.

Alright, with the preamble out of the way, here they are in no particular order:

  • @Essence_of_Meh
    210 months ago

    Finally got some time to look through your links and all of them gave me a good chuckle. Nice finds.