• @Leviathan
    710 months ago

    If you don’t have winter tires and you lose control in the snow you deserve it. No one should have to deal with your slow, slippery, dumb ass just because you have no self preservation instincts.

    • @spikederailed
      810 months ago

      There are places like North Carolina where I used to live that got snow once every 3 years or so, no real justification for having snow tires as that point. On the few occasions where it does snow everyone should just stay home, but some don’t have that luxury unfortunately.

      • @rayyy
        310 months ago

        Good point. For those who rarely get snow but need to drive in it those strap-on tire traction straps might be the way to go. Unfortunately on front wheel drive vehicles you need them on all four wheels or risk the back end becoming your front end in an uncontrollable manner. Then there’s the danger from other guys who aren’t smart enough to slow the fuck down like real snow drivers in the north do.

      • So people getting injured and killed in preventable accidents is not a justification for an easy safety measure and the people who are affected just dont have the “luxury” of living another day?

        A motor vehicle needs to be suitable to the road conditions. If there is snow, suitable tires should be mandatory. Doesn’t matter if it snows once every 3 or every 300 years. If the vehicle isn’t fit, it must not be on the road.

    • @shankrabbit
      610 months ago

      Which would be fine if they were the only ones on the road, but when their dumb ass puts me in the ditch too…

    • @Smoogs
      210 months ago

      You’re saying slow like it’s a bad judgment. It is not a bad judgment particularly in black ice conditions.or any condition involving another human life.