The White House on Monday sounded the alarm that it will run out of money to provide weapons to Ukraine in its fight against Russia without congressional action by the end of the year.

In a letter to congressional leaders, Office of Management and Budget director Shalanda Young wrote the government is “out of money—and nearly out of time” to continue giving aid to Ukraine. The White House pleaded with Congress to act on a supplemental funding request first submitted in October, arguing it is of critical importance to U.S. national security.

“I want to be clear: without congressional action, by the end of the year we will run out of resources to procure more weapons and equipment for Ukraine and to provide equipment from U.S. military stocks. There is no magical pot of funding available to meet this moment. We are out of money—and nearly out of time,” Young wrote.

  • @paddirn
    789 months ago

    No doubt this has been House Republican’s aim these past few months with all their shutdown shenanigans. Doing the bidding of big papa putin.

    • @Buffalox
      9 months ago

      It’s weird how the MAGA crowd have such a boner for Putin. They claim to be true Americans while they act treasonous, both domestically undermining democracy and cheering authoritarianism, and on foreign policies cheering Putin and undermining NATO and relations with allies in general.
      I frankly don’t understand how it’s tolerated in USA, instead of being acted upon as what it is.

      • @dhork
        9 months ago

        It’s not weird at all, their media has been telling them that Liberals are un-American, even sub-human, for decades. Liberals are so obviously wrong that when they do gain political power, it’s always because they cheated or they did something unfair.

        Then they look at a guy like Putin, who (in their view) runs a democracy with a firm hand, and the support of his people. Not just any “democracy”, mind you, but the very place where the godless Communist liberals used to rule! (Never mind that Soviet Communism bares very little resemblance to modern-day liberalism). They conveniently ignore all the bad shit Putin has done to consolidate his power and keep it much longer than he should have. Or worse yet, they embrace it as stuff that “needs to be done” to be an effective leader.

        It doesn’t take much more of a leap to conclude that everyone in the US must agree with them (or, at least, everyone whose opinions matter), and that dissent really should be snuffed out because the dissenters believe the wrong things. They view Putin as a model of a strong leader with convictions they share. And so they start voting for politicians who try to emulate what Putin does.

        They might even acknowledge that Russia is really an oligarchy ruled by an elite, they just consider themselves oligarchs-in-training so they’re OK with that.

        • @Buffalox
          59 months ago

          yet, they embrace it as stuff that “needs to be done” to be an effective leader.

          Maybe you are right, I just don’t get how people can be that stupid, and accept losing democracy, civil rights and international allies just to get back at the Democrats.

        • @Wrench
          49 months ago

          And here Putin is, literally conscripting any adult male that he can, to send them into the meat grinder without guns ammo or food. This is their model strong leader. Who would demonstratively throw their life away for a vanity project without remorse.

        • @Furedadmins
          39 months ago

          Nope that’s way too deep. They see someone who is white and whose majority white country oppresses minorities and homosexuals and want that.

      • originalucifer
        39 months ago

        the leaf nodes in the conservative movement in the united states are being tugged around by a giant metal ring in their nose called ‘rugged individualism’…they worship those people who force their own path… and then force that path onto others. as long as the path is labeled righteous by those holding the rope, they will not see that power as a bad thing.

        they are brainwashed morons thanks to nationwide, broadcasted propaganda like fox news.

        • @Buffalox
          39 months ago

          And why are the lies Fox News use to do that even legal? Other countries have better free speech than USA, and at the same time, responsibility for malicious lying, that prevent fake news like Fox.

      • @[email protected]
        -19 months ago

        It’s treasonous to support imperialism, which is what the funding of Ukraine is. It’s the US trying to steal Crimea from Russia. Not wanting the US to interfere in foreign affairs that don’t concern us is patriotic, supporting Ukraine is not.