“A general, who’s a fantastic general, actually said to me, ‘Sir, I’ve been on the battlefield. Men have gone down on my left and on my right. I stood on hills where soldiers were killed. But I believe the bravest thing I’ve ever seen was the night you went on to that stage with Hillary Clinton, after what happened. And then that woman asked you the first question about it.’ And I said, locker room talk! It’s locker talk! What the hell?! Locker room talk!” – Trump, with yet another fake “Sir” story, last night at the New York Young Republicans Club gala. And it was Anderson Cooper who asked him about the pussy tape that night, not a woman.

So, trump has a tell. Whenever he quotes somebody saying something to him and it starts with the word “sir” addressing him, he’s lying. He has made up the quote. This has been well documented.

All that this tells me is that trump would make a horrible poker player. Tell has been documented, discussed in the media, and he still won’t change it. Successful businessman indeed

  • @cheese_greater
    10 months ago

    Never noticed that, lol. There should be a subreddit/community for all his fake-ass stories. I don’t think they’d be able to handle the sheer volume of them on a going basis

    • squiblet
      10 months ago

      It’s had a name for several years… Sir Stories. A big, strong man comes up to him, tears streaming down his eyes. “Sir! I can’t believe how strong you are with these Democrats. They treat you so unfairly! But you keep fighting for us, the real Americans!”

      There’s even an archive of them. Over 450 and counting.

      • @cheese_greater
        10 months ago

        Oh. My. God?! Lololooool, was it him in the mirror doing some cosplay in his birthday Brioni, fuck

        • Edit: fuckin’ amazing, dawg! I can’t handle anymore tonight but maybe I’ll work my way thru them, advent calendar style and have a chocolate. Jesus

        • The Farmer stories might kill me lol

        • Simultaneously the saddest and most outrageously hilarious thing ever.

        • Someone should sell this shit

          • @cheese_greater
            10 months ago

            k, someone should sell this in such away that neither Trump nor anyone in his network sees any material gain (except further laughingstockery) and the publishers gain much to his chagrin

            Have at it shooter ;)