• @killeronthecorner
    10 months ago

    From the modern viewpoint of secularists, sure it is. But if we take the values or Christianity on face value, they don’t say that.

    The fact that so many Christians are hateful towards LGBT+ does present a difficult bind though: is true Christianity the writ values, or the modern zeitgeist? The pope himself ran into this very question recently when he started firing Catholic priests for not towing the progressive line that he has drawn. Who is right, the pope or his flock?

    (Also, see the great answer that someone gave on No True Scotsman in this same comment tree)

    • @TallonMetroid
      410 months ago

      In the case of the Catholics, at least, the doctrine of papal infallibility decrees that, at least on paper, the Pope as the successor to Peter and Paul is always correct on matters of doctrine. In practice, if the flock disagrees they can always schism again. shrugs