• @pinkdrunkenelephants
    7 months ago

    You’re not listening to what I am saying. Being told to wait a minute isn’t telling someone the world doesn’t revolve around them. Telling a kid the world doesn’t revolve around them is making a moral stance that that kid doesn’t actually matter, and that is what adults actually mean when they tell kids such. It has all of jack and shit to do with minor petty shit like making a kid wait when you’re on the phone. It’s about why you’re making them wait and how you truly feel about them.

    It’s nothing but petty ageist bigotry and I can’t be the only one tired of hearing it.

    Yes the world absolutely does revolve around children. Literally everything we do is for them to some extent.

    • @[email protected]
      17 months ago

      My guess is that perhaps you’re a bit young and inexperienced with the world. It isn’t as black and white or cut and dry as you may think it is.

      It certainly doesn’t revolve around children.